Chapter 29

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A.N: Good morning!

So I got so inspired and happy writing this chapter then suddenly out of the blue wattpad crashed. Can't you see how happy am I? *twitches*

I'm sad to say this wasn't exactly how I wanted this chapter to be (plus I was so angry) so I'm sorry if it sounds crappy and all that but, just look forward to the next chapter and I swear I won't disappoint you *fingers crossed*


Teresa's POV

It's midnight and Sam still won't stop drinking. I don't seem to know why she is treating herself like this when she can either be spending her time with her friends or family- or with me for instance.

She promised she won't drink and that, we would spend time catching up with our lives. But, she came to my house already drunk. How am I suppose to think that I could still have a proper talk with her?

"Dun dun doe!" she slurred waving her drink in the air. Before I could even stop her, she slammed the glass on the floor laughing. I jerked a bit and noticed a man coming over. "For goodness sake Sam! Look what you have done!" I whispered-shout and she just shrugged.

"Ma'am I think you should go" a large man said holding Sam by the arm. I hissed and gave Sam a glare but she ignored me. "Who do you think you fucking are?" Sam said looking at her arm "You can either quiet down or leave madam. You are causing some sort of distraction. The customers are already complaining" the man said lessening his grip on Sam's arm.

Sam looked at me and smiled. "Go on Amanda. Tell her who I really am" The man looked at me and raised a brow. "Are you with her?"

Sam's POV

"No. I don't even know her" she says plainly

What a bastard!

"What the fuck Miranda? Hey dude. I'm sorry but she's drunk too and you can see we're really-"

"Take her away. I'll pay for her troubles" she stated and the man smiled before holding on my arm again. "C'mon miss. Or else we have to drag you out of here"

Fiona. My best friend. Betrayed me. In the flesh!

"Darlene why?" I asked staring at her. "Why are you doing this?"

She didn't gave me any eye contact instead she kept her head down, swirling her finger on her drink on the counter. I swallowed a lump in my throat and took a deep breath "I-I'll pay. Here" I stuttered fishing out twenty dollars from my clutch and handing them to the man who greatly accepted. I turned my head to face Ashley once more but she didn't face me.

I wiped a tear and muttered a sorry before getting off the high stool and running out of the bar. Clearly shocked from the recent events that took place. Why would she do that? I was nice to her. But she turned me down. Why?

I felt the sudden movement ache in my head. I stopped running and hugged myself tighter. I closed my eyes hearing my heart pound faster than it usually is. I've been in this state.. Why is it happening again?

"You're drunk" a voice shouted from behind. I opened my eyes and saw Patricia standing in front of me with her hands holding the hem of her skirt tightly. I laughed and shook my head.


I looked down and looked up again with a smile "I don't know.. maybe because I don't want to live anymore" I sighed. "I'm sick and tired Riley. I'm tired of falling over and over again with-"

"Benjamin? Mac? Or is there a new one. ." she spat and I froze. "Tell me, is there a new boy on your heels again?"

I closed my eyes again and heard her chuckling. "You're impossible Sam. Love, relationships and shit has always been your focus has it?" I opened my eyes and she continued "You got everything you want handed to you in a silver platter yet, you still get annoyed by just some small detail!" she sighed her voice croaking at the end.


"I'm Teresa" she fired wiping a tear while keeping a straight face "..Teresa Wilson. Twenty-two years old and I'm currently living with my parents just in case you have forgotten. Roberta and Joseph Wilson are my parents. I had a baby sister named Jane but died in the mere age of two. My dad has recently retired and my mother.." she croaked "My mother is diagnosed with brain cancer"

". . I-I am unemployed. Still in search of a job to keep my family healthy. We live in the hands of my aunt and not once did we complain"

I opened my mouth to speak but her words came out first. "I have to admit. I don't know how hard it is to fall in love but from what I've heard- it really hurts... But, I still don't think that love hurts more than what I've been through. Sam, you're my bestfriend or my only friend honestly. Thought you could've figured that one out.. but you didn't" she smiled and I couldn't help but to feel bad for myself more.

"Anyways, what I'm trying to say is.. You have everything now. And I think you should be happy about that or maybe even be proud of yourself because when you think that your life is all wrong, complicated and not worth living for- another person would fight all the way just to have or breathe in that life you chose to end with"

Benjamin's POV (the next day)

I sighed and looked at the wall clock.

It was eight-thirty and there is still no sign of Sam. I texted her but there was no reply. Tried calling her twice but there was no answer.

Where could that girl be?

She can't quit now can she? If she did her mother would be mad at her and-

Hush Ben

This was my plan well, technically but with the help of Veronica. She was the one who told me to sign up for this but, I couldn't help but to feel guilty at the same time. (loads of butts) She doesn't want this, I can see that. It's almost like I'm pushing her to like me again though I know I have lost my chances.

"Not late" Sam shouted pushing the door. "I am not late am I?" I smiled and sat on the edge of the desk "Seven o'clock, I told you seven o'clock sharp. What time is it Samantha?"

She groaned and grabbed her phone "Eight thirty seven" she sighed "I have an excuse okay? Plus you're not the boss of me. We're a team and you're just my co-worker-"

"And your client as well. What happened to the 'the customer is always right' quote your company lives by huh?" I said sarcastically with air quotations. She rolled her eyes and dumped the box of fabric she was holding on the sofa near us. She then fixed her hair and looked at me with a smirk

"Shall we get started? Sir?"


Author's Note

I'll be updating twice this week btw just to pay up for my loss

I again apologize if this one turned out crappy but now you can see what is going on with Sam's mind with the intake of alcohol ;)

Btw Teresa is one year older than Sam meaning she's in the exact age as Benjamin and Mac

Votes for the next update?

Love yuhhh guys xoxoxo

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