Omegaverse USUK - Part 1/3

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It's exam season and my way of coping with the anxiety of not studying is to ignore all studying and write USUK Mpreg please enjoy my suffering

Arthur moaned as he struggled to pull himself out of bed. His mate, Alfred, only stirred slightly from his deep, coma-like sleep. The small omega huffed as he wrenched himself out of the bed.

Having just come off of heat, Arthur found his head a little cloudy and his hips hurting significantly more than he would like to admit, but at least he hadn't been alone. However, as a mated and marked omega, Arthur reminded himself by running his fingertips along the sensitive skin near his collarbone where his mating mark was- along with a few other marks that remained from the past week- he was expected to be submissive at this point, to let his Alpha take over the financial status and for Arthur to sit around the house, doing whatever omega-y things omegas did, until he became pregnant and would look after his and his mate's children. The whole idea made his head spin.

His role as the caretaker had been well established by his family growing up, as cliché as it was. Being the only omega child with three older alpha brothers, it had always been apparent to him that the alphas were protectors, while the omegas were to be protected- This had made it very hard to date in high school. Either way, over time Arthur decided that he hadn't been the stereotype that his parents raised him to be, and went off to university anyway. He did find that more omegas seemed a higher education than they let on, and nearly all of them planned on getting a stable job. They didn't plan to be caretakers.

Nonetheless, Arthur sat there in the kitchen, pondering if all that tuition money had been worthless. Omegas had nearly no choice in whether they were the caretakers or not, it was in their blood, in their hormones. An omega's heat is the time in which one is the most fertile, and at that point the poor thing is literally begging to be fucked. Arthur learned not to keep his phone anywhere near him during heat as he'd sent accidental nudes to Alfred more than once- and it wasn't entirely his fault. Judgement is so clouded, they can't help but beg for it, as their bodies are begging to be fertilized, as disgusting as it was.
Arthur did not fancy being pregnant in the least bit. He liked children, in fact, like most omegas, he adored them, but the fact that you'd have to carry one around inside of you for nine months, constantly throwing up and needing to pee and not being able to see your feet while it all went on was not appealing to him. Childbirth sounded even worse. But in the end, supposedly it was all worth it, as you got your little bundle of joy which would scream and cry until you used your mind reading powers to give it what it wanted. Then there was the whole cost of it all, the food, clothes, education, medical expenses, so on and so forth-
God, he had to be the worst omega ever.

So, when he found himself kneeling by a toilet bowl retching out his breakfast the next morning, he was not at all impressed.
Alfred was squatted next to him, somewhat oblivious to what was actually going on but at least made himself useful by getting water and giving reassuring back rubs to the sickly omega.
The next few days followed with sporadic morning sickness, in which Arthur took it upon himself to buy a few pregnancy tests, just in case.

Mixed emotions swirled through Arthur's head, some like the ones he'd pondered over a mere week ago, but overall, he felt happy. Excited. Nervous. Scared. He bent over the toilet bowl and elegantly threw up, laying on the cold tile floor before getting up and going to the living room. He had the test in his pocket, as he entered the room his lover sat in, watching tv. Alfred greeted him with open arms and pulled the omega down to sit beside him, nestled into the alpha's form. Arthur showed him the test and immediately Alfred's eyes lit up, pure excitement and joy illuminating his face. "I'm gonna be a dad!"
Arthur couldn't help but smile at the Alpha's excitement. "Yes. I guess so, now."

The omega's anxiety was apparent in the room, and Alfred caught onto this quickly.
"Hey, Hey. You're gonna do just fine. You're going to be a great mom! And I know-"
"But what if I'm not? What if I royally screw up this kid?" Arthur felt tears coming, trying hard to hold them back. He couldn't cry about this. He was supposed to be overjoyed about this. Why did he feel like crying?
Alfred steeped the trembling omega into a hug, rubbing his back softly. "It's going to be fine. You're going to do fantastic."
Arthur had given up the war he'd had on his tears and let himself cry. "But what if I'm not? What if this kid hates me? What if they run away and get hurt, or stolen, or go into prositution-"
"Oh my god Artie, calm down. You're barely a week pregnant and you're worried about things that will never happen as long as we aren't the worst people in the world. We're not. We're definitely not the greatest, but we're definitely not the worst either."
Arthur laughed softly, the sort of laugh that you do in the midst of crying.
"Yeah. Yeah."


Arthur's belly became large quickly, now five weeks, (about a month and a half) pregnant with Alfred's child.
"Hey." Alfred whispered, sitting on the couch behind his mate. Arthur's head rest in between Alfred's knees, the omega sitting on the ground rather than the couch.
"What?" Arthur looked up at Alfred smiling. Alfred put the magazine he was reading down and tangled his hands in Arthur's soft blonde hair.
"It says that the baby's heart starts beating around five weeks. Isn't that cool? You officially have a life growing inside you, Artie."
"The baby wasn't alive before?" Arthur asked. Alfred thought for a second.
"I don't really know, I'm not a doctor. I just know things from these parenting magazines."
Arthur laughed, putting his head down between Alfred's legs and falling asleep, sitting upright.

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