Musically bound (Lapis Lazuli)

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Since you have started living with Lapis and Peridot, things started to settle down for you. You missed the sense of adventure from traveling all the time, but it felt nice to just stop and enjoy life. You spent your days either hanging out with Lapis and Peridot, teaching them about human culture and life, and frequently you would go out into the city to play with Steven. Lapis would follow along as well, as she loving hanging out with Steven as much as you did and the two of you grew closer by the day. Mostly you would spend your time in the barn, coming up with meep morps or watching some show that Peridot found and would beg you to watch it. But one thing you really loved was listening to music. It started when you found a stack of boxes in the barn that never seemed to be touched.

"Hmm? What's all this?" You wonder as you investigate the stack, managing to grab a box from the top. You quickly open it up, and what was inside were several vinyl records of many different musicians, Elton John, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, Frank Sinatra, The Eagles, all these artists you've never heard of, but were so mesmerizing to you. You open another box, more records sat inside of it with all these artists inside. You look around to see if you can find something to play them on. Lucky for you you got your hands on a record player. You blow on it to get the dust off, it seemed a bit used, but it could work just fine.

Hours pass and you find yourself listening to all these different artists and enjoying every one of them, mostly you sat down in your blue bean bag chair to sit and relax as you listened, but occasionally you would get up and dance to the music. One song you were fond in particular was on the record on the artist know as the Rolling Stones. According to the order it appeared on the record, it was know as 'Jumping Jack Flash'. You thought it was such an interesting song, eventually singing along to the singer, playing air guitar along with it as well as dancing as you sang.

"I was born in a cross-fire hurricane
And I howled at my ma in the driving rain
But it's all right now, in fact it's a gas
But it's all right, I'm jumpin' Jack Flash
It's a gas, gas, gas
I was raised by a toothless, bearded hag
I was schooled with a strap right across my back
But it's all right now, in fact it's a gas
But it's all right, I'm jumpin' Jack Flash
It's a gas, gas, gas
I was drowned, I was washed up and left for dead
I fell down to my feet and saw they bled
I frowned at the crumbs and a crust of bread
I was crowned with a spike right through my head
But it's all right now, in fact it's a gas
But it's all right, I'm jumpin' Jack Flash
It's a gas, gas, gas
Jumpin' Jack Flash, it's a gas [x4]"

As you sang that last line, you jumped as you heard clapping behind you, you gasp and turn around to see Lapis smiling and clapping her hands. "Wow, (y/n), I didn't know you could sing!" A blush appears on your face as you scramble to shut the player off. "Oh! U-uh, Lapis, hi. H-how long were you standing there?" The record player made a scratching noise as you shut it off. "Just got here a minute ago, what you doing?" Lapis approached you and glanced at the record player. "And what is that?" She asked curiously pointing to the device. "Oh, it's something humans use to play music, I found this box of records, i've been listening to them for hours!" You exclaim, looking through one of the boxes, Lapis leaning over you curiously, feeling mesmerized by all this. "Music? How does it work? And what kind of music is there?" You smile at Lapis and pull out a record. "It's simple, you just put it on the thing and place the needle on. There's lot of different kinds of music, but this seems more up your alley." You look up at Lapis, handing her the record.

"David Bowie?" Lapis asked curiously as she examined the cover. "Who's this 'Ziggy Stardust'?" She looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "It's this guy from space who plays guitar, this guy sings about him, I'll show you." You take the record from her hands and pull the vinyl from the sleeve, placing it on the player and turned it on, placing the needle on the record. Lapis made herself comfortable on your bean bag chair as you set up the music. As you turned on the music, you made you way over to Lapis to sit on her lap leaning back to snuggle into her, you two became quite close, so Lapis didn't mind. Lapis leaned back, relaxing as she held you around your waist as she listened to the music. Lapis was staring off into space listening to the lyrics and patting her lap with her hand to the beat.

"I like this, what's the song name?" You grab the cover of the record and look for the title of the song. "Five years." Lapis smiled stroking your hair and you stood up as the song ended. "So what's next?" Lapis asked curiously, sitting up in her seat. "Well, heres one of my favorites." You smile as you pulls out another record, showing the cover to Lapis. "The Eagles? I didn't know birds could play music!" You giggle a bit, pulling the record out. "No silly! It's just the name of the band." You smile as you place the needle on the record and the song began playing and you sang along.

I like the way your sparkling earrings lay,
Against your skin, it's so brown.
And I wanna sleep with you in the desert tonight
With a billion stars all around.

'Cause I got a peaceful easy feeling,
And I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the ground.

Lapis was blushing a dark blue as you sang and danced, you reached your hand out, offering her to dance with you. She hesitantly took it, standing up with you as you danced with her, letting the track sing on it's own.

And I found out a long time ago
What a woman can do to your soul.
Oh, but she can't take you anyway,
You don't already know how to go.

And I got a peaceful easy feeling,
And I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing on the ground.

I get this feeling I may know you as a lover and a friend.
But this voice keeps whispering in my other ear,
Tells me I may never see you again.

'cause I get a peaceful easy feeling
And I know you won't let me down
'cause I'm already standing...
I'm already standing...
Yes, I'm already standing on the ground
Oh, oh

The track came to an end, making your dance session end with a bow, Lapis bowing in response. The two of you look at each other for a second until the two of you laugh playfully, pouncing Lapis to hug her as she hugged back. "Hehe, that was fun, (y/n)!" Lapis grinned as you smile back, dropping the hug and scratching the back of your head. "So uh, want to listen to some more?" Lapis nodded and smiled. "Absolutely, I'd love to, (y/n)."

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