Cold nights (Peridot)

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(Older reader this time, about 15-16)

It was another calm night at the barn, the moon shone through the barn door, reflecting through the door of the barn as you slept in your bed fashioned into the back of an old truck. You rested your head on your pillow, bundled up in several blankets as nights in Beach city were rather chilly, even more so during the colder months. You were sleeping peacefully, staying warm in the blankets, like nothing could interrupt your slumber. But a certain gem had other plans.

Peridot P.O.V

It's rather cold out tonight, no matter how many times I tried to create heat, whether using the comfort sheets or the warm heaters, I couldn't get comfortable whatsoever. "Grr, how can I watch Camp Pining Hearts in this condition?!" I grumbled to myself, trying not to wake up the (y/n). How did they do it? How would they stay warm in such cold conditions? What was their secret? As I pondered, I climbed down the ladder and made my way over to the (y/n)'s bed. I jumped up and gripped the edge of the truck, grunting and pulling myself up as I landed in their space and the human started to stir in it's sleep.

"Nnngh, no not the donuts..." I froze in my tracks as the human spoke in it's sleep, turning it's body so their back was facing me. "Phew." I wiped my forehead with a sigh of relief, glad I didn't wake them up. I stood up and stepped closer to the (y/n), pulling up the blankets to find the source of their warmth. "Hmm..." I placed my hand on their back, the (y/n)'s body felt warm, like there was heat radiating from it, but what I found odd was as I touched them, there was this strange pulsation from it's chest, like something was pounding inside. I raised a brow and placed my ear against the (y/n)'s back, the pulsations feeling louder as I listened. What an interesting sound! How did humans live with a constant pounding in their chest? Did it serve a purpose in it's existence? Is it supposed to be this steady? My train of thought was interrupted when I heard the (y/n) speak.

No one's P.O.V

"Uhh, Peridot, what are you doing?" You turn your head to see peridot with her head against your back, she jumped and stepped back from you as you spoke. "Nagh! (y/n), I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Peridot seemed cautious, but you stayed calm as you turned around to look at her. "Yeah, you did, what were you doing?" You mumble as you rub your eyes and Peridot's face turned a dark green. "I was only curious of how warm you were in this cold, and what are the strange pulsations in your chest?" Peridot pointed a finger to you chest, hovering right over your heart. "Oh, that's just my heartbeat. It's an organ inside me that pumps blood and oxygen through my body." You smile and Peridot tilts her head as she slowly leans over to you, placing her head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat.

"It has a nice sound..." Peridot mused and you smiled as you held her head to you, letting her listen to the rhythm of your heart. Peridot smiled a bit as she relaxed, feeling the warmth radiating from your body. "If you need to get warm, you can ask me." You smile patting Peridot on the head as she blushed and nuzzled into your chest. "You do feel nice...I guess I can lay here for a while..." You thought she was so cute the way she was snuggled up to you like this. And you almost couldn't believe you used to be smaller than her. You roll over to your side and pull a blanket over you and peridot. "Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning." You lean over her to give her a little kiss on the gem, causing her to blush and snuggle into you. You smile putting your arms around the gem and you close your eyes to drift back into sleep. What a great way to keep warm on a cold night.

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