Rough times (Garnet)

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You found yourself in an odd situation, you got along well with almost everyone in beach city, the gems, Steven, the cool kids, basically anyone who was older than you. But you couldn't really click with other kids your age. You didn't understand why, they were always mean to you. Was it because you were different? Maybe it was your lack of social interaction most of your life. You also suffered from anxiety, making things much more of a challenge. You were just sitting on a bench with your drawing pad in your hand, drawing a picture, when the kids were in the distance, spotting you and approaching you.

"Hey look, it's the weird kid!" The young boy said as he pointed at you, the rest of the group laughing. You took a glance up at him and looked back down into your drawing. "What? Too scared to talk?" He said as he leaned over you, you kept your eyes down, hoping he would go away. "And what is this?" He quickly snatched the pad from your hand and you get up, trying to grab it as he tossed it to his buddies. "Hey! Give that back!" The bullies refused, one kid opened up the pad to examine all the drawings. "What's all this junk? This isn't art, it's garbage!" He tore out a drawing from the book, it was the one you were working on, a portrait of Jasper overlooking a cliff with her hair flowing.

"Don't touch that!" You yell, charging at him and your fist makes its way to his stomach, making him clutch his stomach as another kid grabs you by the shirt and the other kids shoved you around until they tossed you to the ground. The boy you punched tore the picture in half, your heart shattered. He let the pieces drop on the ground in front of you as the group walks off, hearing one of them yell. "And I don't want to see your face around here again!"

Garnet P.O.V

I walked out of the door of the temple, having finished with a mission when I saw Steven come in through the door. "Hello, Steven." I smiled as I approached him, he had a slightly sad expression on his face as he spoke. "Oh.. hey Garnet." "Something wrong?" I said as I looked down at him. Steven just sighed. "(Y/n)'s feeling pretty down.. I think they're having a bully issue with the other kids in beach city..." A part of my heart just broke, seeing (y/n), a sweet, remarkable young child get treated like that. I closed my eyes, looking into my future vision. "Hmm, I'm going to see them." I said as I started walking out the door, Steven waving goodbye behind me.

I arrived at the barn, Lapis and Peridot were relaxing at the top of the silo, staring out into the clear blue sky. "Hello!" I shouted, trying to get their attention as I saw Lapis sit up and look down at me. "Oh hey, Garnet. What's up?" Lapis shouted back down to me as I answered. "Where's (y/n)?" Lapis gestured towards the barn. "They're in the barn, they seem to be in a bad mood, so be careful." I nodded headed towards the barn.

No ones P.O.V

You were sitting around the barn, trying to find a way to put your torn drawing back together, but to no avail, as your heart needed mending more. You sigh as you sit down, hugging your legs and crying a little. Garnet was a few steps behind you, staring at you with her stoic expression. "(Y/n)." You turn around to see Garnet. "Oh, hey garnet." You look up at her solemnly, she sat down beside you, seeming stoic, but behind those shades, she was worried. "Tell me what's wrong." Her gaze intimidated you a little, but you managed to get your words out.

"The other human kids are mean to me...I don't know why..." You sniffle, wiping away a tear with your hand. Garnet looks down at the torn picture and she picks up the pieces. "Nice drawing." She said with a little smile. You blush, looking up at her, you felt more at ease, but still a bit down. "But, its torn..." Garnet smiled, only holding the two pieces together. "It can always be mended." She placed the picture down then she removed her visor, her mismatched eyes looking at you with a worried expression.

"(Y/n), listen to me." You nod as you look up at Garnet as she spoke to you in a comforting tone. "I know you try to get along with everyone, but you just can't." You look up at Garnet, about to speak until she interrupts you. "Some people are not worth it." You sigh, hanging your head until Garnet put a finger under your chin to lift your head up to look at her. "But just remember..." She paused, putting her hands on your shoulders. "You still have friends who love you and care for you, and that's all that matters. You still have Lapis, you still have Steven, you still have me." She smiled, holding up her left hand gem. "And Ruby." She held up her right hand gem. "And Sapphire." You smile, reaching up to grab ahold of garnets left hand, her square faceted gem against your palm.

You could feel the positive energy radiating from the gem, clearly Ruby was sending you good vibes. You reach over to grasp Garnets other hand, you felt sapphire's gem resonate with a calming energy. You felt at ease, knowing that you were safe with the gems. "Y-yeah, thanks garnet." You smile, Garnet smiling back, she leaned in, kissing your forehead softly. You smile, you caught a brief glimpse of the future. You were running, running toward Jasper, who seemed ecstatic to see you as you jumped into her arms, spinning you around like as the two of you laughed in pure bliss. You gasp, coming back to reality, looking up at garnet with a surprised expression.

"W-was that...?" Garnet hummed as she nodded, looking at the torn Jasper sketch. "A future glimpse, you'll see her again soon." You smile, you had high hopes for the future. It was just a drawing anyways.

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