Birthday Surprise (Ruby and Sapphire

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"C'mon (y/n)! The party's gonna start! Steven shouted as he dragged you by the hand across the beach, trying to keep up with the borrowed king cape flowing behind you. It was your birthday, and Steven had a whole party planned just for you. "I'm coming! It's hard to run in this thing!" You keep up with Steven as Lapis and Peridot were following behind you two, Lapis flying in the air while holding Peridot up by the arms. You and Steven approach the house sitting below the temple as Lapis and Peridot landed beside you. Steven opens the front door and gestures you inside, you walk in, seeing Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl gathered around talking about something.

"Garnet, are you sure we should do this?" Pearl looked to Garnet in concern as Amethyst gave her a shove on her arm. "C'mon P, (y/n's) gonna love 'em!" Garnet smiled and adjusted her visor. "They're both excited for it." Pearl rolled her eyes at Amethyst as she sighed. "Alright fine..." Pearl then turned around to see you and Steven come through the door. "(y/n)! There you are." Pearl said excitedly and got down to give you a hug. "Steven, I thought you said all of Beach City was going to be here?" You glance at Steven with a raised eyebrow, slightly disappointed but you wouldn't care cause you were with friends. "Oh, right! Guys, the room!"

"Of course, follow me." Garnet turned around and walked toward the door to the temple, Pearl and Amethyst followed along as well as you, Steven, Lapis and Peridot. "The party's in the temple?" Lapis asked as Steven and the gem's gemstones began glowing. The door to the temple opened up five ways, a long red curtain replacing the door. "Yup, It's a room we all put together for events and stuff." Steven smiled as Garnet and Pearl opened the curtains, gesturing you to go in. "After you, Birthday girl/boy." Garnet smiled lowering her visor to wink her right eye at you. You blush approaching the doorway, standing in front of it and looking inside, it seemed almost completely dark inside. "Go on now, don't be shy." Pearl said giving you a pat on the back as you step in, Steven following behind you and soon Lapis and Peridot followed as well as the rest of the gems.

"Why is it so dark in here?" You look around trying to find a light switch only finding Peridots nose. "Hey! Watch it, human!" Peridot shouted and you quickly flinched away. "Sorry." Steven then claps his hands and the lights come on, lots of multicolored lights filled up the room. The group was standing in a huge room that almost looked like a rave, a dance floor with flashing lights and a disco ball, a table with a variety of food and a massive cake sitting in the center, and there was people all over the place. You recognized all their faces, Ronaldo and the fry family, Lars and Sadie, The cool kids, the family that owned the pizza shop, even Connie was here. You gasp, putting your hands on your cheeks with stars in your eyes. "Whatcha think?" Steven nudged you with his elbow and you jump excitedly. "I love it! I can't believe the whole town is here!" Amethyst put an arm around you and Steven. "So now that the birthday kid's here, Let's get this party started!"

Some time goes by and you and the whole town were partying to Sour Cream's crazy beats. You were dominating the dance floor, occasionally dragging the gems to dance with you. Peridot was a total klutz on the floor, acting like she had two left feet as she constantly fell on top of you causing you two to collapse. Lapis of course, constantly laughed at you two as she found it amusing. As you were conversing with Steven and Connie at the snack table, Garnet took a quick glance at you from across the room and walked in your direction.

"Yeah, so then I said, 'That's not a hammer!'" Steven and Connie burst out laughing as you were telling a funny story about how Peridot was trying to repair a leak in the barn roof with a crowbar. "Haha, whoo, (y/n), you sure got crazy stories." Connie smiled and you blushed a little bit. "Yeah, I sure do. Oh, did I tell you when Lapis and I-" "(y/n)." Garnet interrupted you as she stood beside you, looking at you with her stoic expression. "Oh, hey Garnet. What's up?" "The ceiling." You, Steven, and Connie snickered and then started laughing. "Good one, Garnet!" Steven said as Garnet smiled and adjusted her visor. "(Y/n), I have a surprise for you." Garnet squatted down to your eye level and your eyes lit up and you clenched your fists excitedly. "Ooh, what is it?" There was suddenly a flash of light that blinded you, causing you to shut your eyes and cover them with your hand. "G-Garnet, what was-" You went silent at the sight in front of you. Instead of Garnet, there were two smaller gems standing in front of you interlocking hands. One was red with dark red cubic hair, much like Garnet, with a bandage around her head and wore a pair of boots with burgundy shorts and a tank top. The second one was blue, with long flowing blue hair that covered up the top of her face, and wore a long flowing blue dress.

"Garnet's a fusion?!" You whisper to Steven with stars in your eyes as he nodded. You turn your head toward the pair as the blue gem spoke. "Greetings, (y/n). I'm Sapphire, and this is Ruby." The red gem waved at you and walked over to ruffle your hair. "Hey, kiddo." You look at both of them in excitement, you couldn't find words to say. You felt both excitement and shock knowing that Garnet was a fusion. "So you two are fused all the time?" You glance at the pair and Sapphire giggled at you. "Yup, Garnet embodies our love." You hold your cheeks with your hands as you squeal excitedly. "That's the cutest thing i've ever heard!" Steven looked at you with a similar expression. "I know right??" Ruby chuckled and put your arm across your shoulders. "So now that we're here, how about we hit the dance floor?" Ruby winked and ruffled your hair, causing you to giggle. "Ruby, you know you can't dance without me." Sapphire mused as she approached you and Ruby. "You've got two left feet." Ruby's face turned a dark red as you felt her body heat rising. It was comfortable for a second until it got really hot, like fire, causing you to pull away from Ruby. "Ow ow ow hot hot hot!" Ruby looked at you with concern as Sapphire walked over to you and put a hand on your back. "Careful, she's a bit hotheaded." She smiled as you chuckle and blush a little. "So wanna hit the dance floor?"

Hour pass and the entire town partied through most of the night, with dance-offs, chugging a little too much soda, and winning almost all the arm wrestles with Ruby. It ended pretty suddenly, especially for the gems, everyone passed out across the room until the morning came. You woke up to the voice of Steven calling out for breakfast. "Morning, all! Time for breakfast!" You groan and stand up brushing all the streamers off you as you saw the gems come in with a huge breakfast buffet all set up across the room. "Oh man, I'm so hungry!" You eagerly rush over and grab yourself a plate, filling it up with anything you could find, eggs, bacon, pancakes, donuts, hash browns, just about anything. "Goodness you sure can eat." Steven said as he saw how full your plate was, walking towards the gems while the town conversed with each other.

"So what's it like, being a fusion all the time?" You took a sip from your orange juice as you spoke to Garnet. Ruby and Sapphire must have fused back while you were sleeping. "It's an amazing experience, you don't feel like two people, yet you don't feel like one person. You feel like you're a part of each other." Your eyes light up at that statement. "Wow..." Lapis made her way up to you, putting her hand on your shoulder as she sat by you. "Hey, (y/n), enjoy the party?" You smile at Lapis as well as the other gems. "I loved it! Best birthday ever!" You raise your fists in excitement as Steven pounced you into a hug. "Aww, thanks! We wanted to make this special for you." You smile and stand up on the table, clinking your glass with your fork, causing all the chattering to cease as all eyes were on you. "What is (y/n) doing?" Pearl said to Steven as he put a finger to his mouth. "Shh, (Y/n)'s gonna say something."

"Just a few months ago, I thought my life was over, no place to go, no one to turn to, but when I met Steven, I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. Hope. I just wanted to say how grateful I am to know all of you and I-" You choke up, wiping a tear with your arm as you spoke again, turning towards the gems. "I feel so honored to call all of you my family." Lapis squealed in excitement as she hugged you suddenly and Steven joined the hug, as well as the other gems. "Peridot are you crying?" You glance over to a watery-eyed Peridot. "N-no! I just had something stuck in my vision sphere." You smile and hug Peridot, making her face turn a dark green as she hugged back. "I love you guys." You smile huddled into the group hug. "We love you too, (y/n)." Steven said as he patted your head. Best birthday ever.

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