Showtime (Sardonyx)

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It was another fine day at beach city, not a cloud in the sky as you walked across the beach, the warm sun beating down on your face as you made your way to the temple, meeting with Steven and the gems. You were excited as they said they had a surprise for you. You saw everyone gathered at the foot of the house, seeming to discuss something.

"Ooh, (y/n)'s gonna love it!" Pearl said excitedly, stars forming in her eyes as Garnet smiled. "They're definitely gonna like her." As you approached the gems, Amethyst came running up to you and tackled you, your back falling against the sand. "Heey, (y/n)! What's up?" You laugh as she gave you a noogie. "Haha, hey Amethyst." Steven came walking over and helped you up, brushing the sand off your back. "Thanks Steven." He smiled as the three of you approach Pearl and Garnet.

"So what's the surprise?" You look up at them expectantly, a smile on your face and stars in your eyes. Pearl smiled and patted your head. "You're about to find out. Take a seat." She gestured over to a rock and the three of you sat down, you were positioned between Steven and Amethyst as Pearl and Garnet stood a few feet from each other, Garnet holding her gems up which were glowing. "Ready." Pearl was stretching out her body, soon standing tall with her gem glowing. "Hold on, it's been such a long time." Amethyst rolled her eyes as you watched them, music started playing from their gems, the two gems starting to dance. You were mesmerized at how in sync they were, they seemed to be in perfect balance with each other. Garnet then tossed Pearl in the air and when she landed back down, there was a flash of light that formed a large pink curtain, a tall person with four arms and triangular hair forming behind it.

Sardonyx P.O.V

I opened up the curtains, turning it into a flock of dragonflies as I stepped forward. "Greetings everyone! This is the lovely Sardonyx, coming to you live from the beach. How is everyone today?" I saw Steven and Amethyst sitting down looking up at me as (y/n) was jumping for joy with stars in their eyes as they exclaimed excitedly. "Whoa, giant woman!" (Y/n) raised their fists in the air as I leaned over and picked them up. "Oh my stars! If it isn't (y/n), we finally meet. So, what do you think? Was I worth the wait?" I purred at them, spinning my body as they looked up at me with delight. "Wow, you're so cool!" (Y/n) had the sweetest smile on their face as I squished them gently with my upper hands. "Well, aren't you just the sweetest! I could just squish you right now, it would not be hard." (Y/n) laughed and squirmed playfully. "Noo!" I stopped and lifted (y/n) up to my face. "Sorry, I'm just so excited to be here. Good thing I finally show up, took them a while to write me in." (Y/n) looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Who's "them"?" I giggle a bit. "Oh nothing!"

"Well, might I say, you're looking sharp!" (Y/n) said, I blushed at their compliment. "Oh thank you! Any sharper I could cut someone! Ohohohoho!" I laughed out loud as (y/n) giggled a bit. I slowly set them down near Steven and Amethyst. "Want to see a magic trick?" I mused, my hands resting on my knees as I leaned over the group as (y/n) nodded.

No one's P.O.V

You watched sardonyx with amazement, she had conjured up a top hat on her head, taking it off and showing the three of you the inside of it. "Look at this, nothing in my hat!" She pulled it back up, reaching her hand inside, up to her wrist and up to her elbow, the hat soon enveloping her arm up to the shoulder.

"Now where is that little... Oh! Here we are!" She exclaimed as her arm pulled out of the hat and pulled out a rabbit, except it wasn't a rabbit, it was Amethyst with bunny ears and a tail. You and Steven look to the side, seeing an empty space but the two of you clap in amazement, Amethyst didn't seem very amused as she sat there with her arms crossed. "The things I do for (y/n)..." She grumbles as Sardonyx put her down on the ground. Sardonyx then twirled her hat in the air, disappearing into a flock of dragonflies.

"Wow! That was so cool!" You jump excitedly, raising your fists looking up at sardonyx. Sardonyx smiled and picked you up, letting you meet face to face again. "Oh stop it, you're going to make me blush!" Her face was a bit flushed, clearly not used to so many compliments. "Hey, blush looks good on you." You say to her as her blush just deepens. "Ohhohohoho! You're such a little charmer!" She lifted you up to her face and she leaned in, kissing your forehead. Well, more like your whole face, she was quite huge. You blush and laugh, looking up at Sardonyx.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who looks good in blush!" She smiled and pulled you into her waist like she was hugging you, even though it felt more like she was holding onto you with her hand. She soon released the hug and lifted you up to meet eye to eye with the fusion. "Thanks for being a good audience, (y/n), I hope to see you again." You smile. "I hope to see you again too!" Sardonyx smiles and sets you on the ground.

"So just remember, if you ever have need of the lovely sardonyx, let Pearl and Garnet know. I'll be there in a flash. Literally." At that last line, sardonyx poofed into a cloud of smoke, showing Pearl and Garnet holding each other. Pearl and Garnet laughed in glee as you ran over to them. "Sardonyx is so cool!" Garnet smiled and picked you up and hugged you.   "I know, we were awesome!" Pearl smiles and comes over to hug you. "Glad you enjoyed her. So (y/n), if you need her, just ask us. You've got more family than you think." You smile hugging Pearl and Garnet as Steven joined the mix as well. Amethyst was off to the side. "Can I take these off now?" "No."

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