Newfound Powers

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"Why would Jasper give you such a powerful artifact?" Pearl muttered as she paced the floor of the house. It was just a few days ago when you received the necklace from Jasper as a gift. Pearl had attempted to take it from you and hide it somewhere safe, but you refused. If it wasn't for Garnet convincing her, you wouldn't even be wearing it right now. You sat on the couch between Steven and Amethyst, watching Pearl mumble to herself. "Ya know, P, it may sound crazy, but I think Jasper trusts (y/n) with this thing. Knowing her, she may have kept it for herself." Amethyst said, slouching in the couch. "Hmm, true..." Pearl said, she stopped her pacing and rubbed her chin. "So what exactly is this thing?" You ask curiously.

"This artifact is actually a piece of a powerful gem warrior." Pearl explained as she projected an image of a certain gem from her gem. "She was an Obsidian, the rarest of all gems. Legend has it that the diamonds wanted to make a gem super soldier, powerful on and off the battlefield." The projection showed a tall grey-skinned gem, with long flowing black hair and purple eyes. "Of course, she let all that power go to her head, and almost wiped out all of gemkind." There were projections of war, broken shards, and battles. It was a bit unsettling. "But the diamonds stopped her, shattering her gem into twelve pieces. One for each star sign. They were turned into different objects and scattered across the galaxy." She turned off the projection, looking at you with your mouth wide open. Amethyst reached over and put her hand under your chin, motioning you to close your mouth.

"It's been said that whoever has even one artifact, shall gain a small fraction of Obsidian's real power." You gasp in amazement, looking at the necklace as you held it in your hand. "That's awesome!" You exclaim, standing up. "So that means I can fight with you guys?" Pearl got nervous, shaking her head at you. "Oh no, (Y/n), absolutely not. This could be very dangerous, especially in the hands of a human. So just give it to me, and I'll put it somewhere safe." She held her hand out, gesturing for the necklace. You clutch the artifact in your hand. "No, If there's power in this, I want to know how to use it! I want to help on missions, I want to help you fight and not be a burden, just teach me and I can help!" You exclaim towards Pearl, she was teary eyed in joy at your enthusiasm. "O-ok. I can help you out, and I know the perfect place! Follow me." You follow Pearl to the warp pad, Steven and Amethyst follow behind you.

The four of you end up at a place that looked like a battle arena. "Whoa, what is this place?" You say as you look around, Pearl responding to your question. "(Y/n), this is the sky arena, we use this place to train." Steven and Amethyst sat down while you walk to the center of the arena, Pearl standing a few feet away from you. "Now, Obsidian had multiple abilities, so we don't know what powers you could have. Let's try to tap into it with some sword training." Pearl summoned a holographic version of herself, standing in front of her as an array of swords were displayed in front of you. "Whoa cool!" You exclaim, examining all the different swords. Pearl picked one up and handed it to you. "Here, (y/n), this should be a good start." You take the sword, then turning to the holo-pearl. Pearl stood next to you, holding your arm and aligning your body. "Alright, so you go like this, make sure to keep your stance low." She continues to give you advice, countering the attacks of the holo-pearl. You eventually strike at the holo-pearl, making it vanish. "Nicely done, (y/n)!" Pearl smiled at you. "Now let's kick things up a notch." She summoned another holo-pearl, this time it was different, it's eyes turned red, meaning this could be challenging. "Draw your weapon, challenger!" The holo-pearl shouted, you look at Pearl nervously. "Pearl, are you sure about this?" Pearl stood beside you, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, (y/n), I'll be right here if something goes wrong."

You take a breath, drawing your sword at the holo-pearl. The holo-pearl swings and thrusts at you and you managed to counter them all, until it got faster. "Parry! Parry! Thrust!" The hologram shouted as it swung at you, you nearly escape each strike, Steven and Amethyst were watching you with both interest and worry. "Go (y/n)! You can do it!" Steven shouted encouragingly. You listen to him, swinging at the hologram and it dodges, swinging at you and you duck down. In all the quick motions and your state of panic, you didn't really notice what happened next.

Pearl P.O.V

I saw (y/n) was starting to panic, they would get hurt if I didn't do something. I started to walk over, but in the blink of an eye, they ended up behind the hologram, swinging at it with the sword. I turned my head towards Steven and Amethyst, whose mouths were wide open. "Whoa! (Y/n)! How did you do that?!" Steven stood up with starry eyes, running over to (y/n), who was confused at what just happened. "I-I don't know, I just panicked then, whoosh!" (Y/n) said with both confusion and excitement. "I think we know what your power might be." I said as I approached (y/n) and they looked up at me. "Try running from one side of the arena to the other and back here." I gesture and they nod, going for a little sprint, then it looked like they teleported to the other side of the arena. "Whoa! Cool!" (Y/n) said, starry eyed. They ran again, teleporting to the other side of the arena then back over at me.

"It seems your power is super speed!" Amethyst exclaimed as I nodded. "Yes of course, (y/n), the artifact you have is the stone of Aries." I projected an image of the necklace they had through my gem, it was a better close up and it had the astrological symbol of the star sign, Aries. "It's said that whoever carried this one shall have ramming speed." (Y/n) looked at their necklace with wide eyes. "Wow, thats amazing! This will definitely come in handy!" I nod, smiling at them. "Yes, it will, but I still think you should-" I was interrupted when (y/n) suddenly hugged me. "Thanks Pearl." I blush a little, hugging them back. "For what?" I said a little confused. "For helping me." They look up at me with a smile as I smile back, getting down to hug them back. "You're welcome, (y/n)." This human will be a great warrior someday.

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