Winter Festivities (Christmas special)

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Snow was falling over Beach City, the town was getting ready for Christmas. You walk across the boardwalk, the fresh snow crunching against your feet. Looking around there was decorations as far as the eye could see, you walk past the fry shop, seeing Peedee hanging up a wreath. "Hey Peedee!" You say, waving to him as he turned around. "Oh, hey, (y/n). What's up?"

"Merrry Christmas!" You smile, handing him a handmade card. "Wow, thanks, (y/n)!" He smiles as you hand him two more cards. "Made one for your dad and brother too!" He takes the cards from your hand as you walk down the boardwalk, waving goodbye as he waves back. "Merry Christmas!"

You walk along the boardwalk, giving cards to everyone you knew, the pizza family, the cool kids, even onion and his mother. You walk across the snow barren beach, making your way towards the temple to meet with Steven and the gems.

You knock on the door, being greeted by Steven. "Hey, (y/n)! Merry Christmas!" He gives you a hug as you walk inside, seeing Pearl hanging ornaments on a tree as Amethyst was sprawled on the couch, a plate of cookies in her hand. "Yo, (y/n)! What's up?!" Amethyst called over as you wave, Pearl turning around and smiling at you. "Oh, (y/n), what brings you by?" You smile as you approach Pearl. "I made cards for everyone!" You say as you hand a card to Pearl, her eyes lighting up as she took it, getting down to hug you with a grin. "Oh, thanks, (y/n), you're so sweet."

You blush a little as you hand cards over to Steven and Amethyst, both of them hugging you. "Thanks, kiddo, I love it!" Amethyst exclaimed as you heard the warp pad activate, showing Garnet standing on the pad. "Garnet!" You exclaim as you ran over to her as she smiles seeing you. "Hello (y/n)."

"I made you a card!" You hand her a card and she takes it, opening it up to examine it, smiling softly. "Thank you, I love it." You smile, holding up two more cards, one red, one blue. "I also made some for Ruby and Sapphire." You blush handing her the two cards as she took it from your hands. She was silent for a moment, looking at the two cards then getting down to hug you tight. You swore you could hear Ruby and Sapphire have a conversation. "Don't let go, Saph." "This child is too precious." "I know, just hold onto them."

((Slight time skip))

You sat on top of the silo at the barn, staring out into the setting sun as the snow continued to fall. Despite all this Christmas cheer you've been spreading, you still felt...empty. You started to think about your past christmases, with your family, your parents, the traditions you did, the people you love, you missed it all. You sigh, hugging your knees as you stared out in the distance.

Lapis P.O.V

I was starting to become worried for (y/n). They've been up there for a while and haven't come back down. Something must be wrong. I glanced up at the silo, seeing (y/n) just sitting quietly. I glanced into the barn, seeing Peridot fiddling with a radio. I looked back up, summoning my wings and flying up to the top of the silo, taking my spot beside (y/n).

"Hey." I said softly as they jumped a little, but they didn't seem too startled. "Oh, hey Lapis." (Y/n) sounded a little sad. I reach over, placing my hand on their back. "Something wrong?" They only sighed, turning their head away from me. "No.." I gently nudged (y/n). "Please tell me..." I said reassuringly. They turned their head towards me, wiping a tear with their hand.

"I just really miss how Christmas used to parents are gone, I'm far away from my family and...I just miss it all..." I sighed reaching to rub (y/n)'s back. "I know it must be hard...being away from family..." I took a glance up at the sky, watching it turn shades of dark purple. "But you know what?" (Y/n) wiped their tears and looked up at me. "What?" I smile, turning their head towards me. "You still have a family right here. You've got Steven, Peridot, Pearl...You've got me." I saw (y/n) smile and reach over to hug me. "Thanks Lapis, you guys are the best. The best family I've ever had!" (Y/n) held onto me tight as I hugged them back, pulling (y/n) close to me. "Merry Christmas, (y/n)." I said softly as they snuggled into me. "Merry Christmas, Lapis." I held onto (y/n) tight. This child is just too precious to let go.

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