Lost and found (Rose quartz)

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(Alternate timeline, not canon to this series at all.)

You were wandering for ages, going from town to town scavenging for food and just looking for shelter. You shiver, the cold wind biting against your skin, pulling your light brown trench coat tighter against your body. You carried a rusty axe in your hand, holding onto it an case of danger. You walked across an empty canyon, it wasn't completely empty though, scattered around were giant machines that looked like spiders with drills. Around the walls were holes, like people had popped out of them, coming in various sizes.

"Strange...what is this place...?" You look around curiously, peeking into some holes you came by, not surprisingly, they were empty. You look around some more, soon hearing a rustling noise behind you. You jump and turn around, looking around for the source. You saw nothing as you shrug and keep walking, soon hearing that noise again, turning around, much more cautious. Your eyes dart around the area, clutching the axe in both of your hands.

"Wh-who's there?" You call out, hands shaking as you look around, not spotting anything until you spotted the strange creature glaring at you. It looked like a giant spider, blue with eight deep purple eyes and long sharp fangs as it hissed at you.

You gasp, clutching the axe in your hands and raising it as you slowly backed away from the monster. It growled as it lurched towards you, hungry eyes fixed on you. You panic, swinging your axe forward and you left a scratch on the monster, only angering it as it growled. You freak out and you start running, the spider-like being chasing after you. You continue to run until your legs gave out, stopping and panting heavily.

"I think I lost it..." You say almost breathless. But you haven't. The spider leapt on your back, pinning you to the ground as it snarled, its fangs drooling with hunger. You swing your axe backwards, knocking it in the head as it scratched you, leaving a mark on your cheek. You whimper and cover your head, thinking it was the end.

Suddenly, you saw a round pink shield knock the creature off you, being tossed like a frisbee. You look up, slightly confused. You saw nothing in sight, but as quick as the shield showed up, something large and pink whooshed past you. You believed it was a person. The spider tried to charge at you again when the pink being appeared in front of you, holding a large sword and it looked like a woman with big curly pink hair as she slashed at the monster, leaping in the air doing all these tricks as she attacked it, it soon vanished into a cloud of smoke, the tall pink woman landing on her feet.

This stranger fascinated you, this tall pink woman, she was graceful but powerful, big and intimidating, but at the same time, brought you a sense of comfort and security. The woman turned around to look at you, her soft black eyes looking at you with curiosity and concern. She approached you, reaching her hand out to you.

"Small human, are you alright?" The woman spoke softly as you take her hand and she slowly lifted you back onto your feet. You look up at the strange pink woman, the sight of her just made you feel warm inside. "I-I'm ok, thank you."

The woman smiled and she squatted down to meet your eye level. "What should I call you?" You look up at the woman, finding her absolutely beautiful. "It's (y/n)." The woman chuckled a little. "What a nice name. You may call me rose quartz." Rose quartz, a name as beautiful as her. "Now, let's get you somewhere safe, it's dangerous out here." She took ahold of your hand as she stood up, her grip was firm but gentle.

"So where do you live, (y/n)?" She spoke as you walked with her. You stopped, seeming rather tense at the question as Rose turned and looked at you with concern. "What's wrong?" She had a sad expression as she looked at you. "I-I don't have a home...I've been wandering trying to find one." Rose frowned, reaching over to you to pick you up and hug you, her grip felt gentle on you as you put your arms around her neck. "So are you all alone?" She released the hug, holding you out in front of her as you sighed. "Yes..."

"Not anymore. Would you like to stay with me? There are others to care for you too." She smiled and you thought to yourself for a while. You didn't know this woman, but she just saved your life, and for the first time in a while, gave you a sense of hope. "Y-yeah, I would like that very much." You smile as Rose held you close to her, carrying you as she walked over to a glass pad and she teleported away. The two of you end up in the front of a temple that looked like a large woman with six arms. "Wow..." You say in amazement as Rose sets you down.

"Whoa, rose, who's the tiny human?" You jump as you heard a voice behind you, turning around to see a short purple skinned girl with short lilac hair as she examined you closely. You cling to rose as she spoke. "This is (y/n), they don't have a home to go to." The girl gasped in surprise. "No home? Are they living with us?" Rose smiled and nodded. "Yes they are." The short girl beamed brightly as she shook your hand. "Well then, names Amethyst." You smile and you heard another voice from behind.

"Rose are you sure this is a good idea?" You turn around to see a woman with short peach hair and snow white skin talking to rose with concern. "I'm sure, Pearl. (Y/n) really needs it." Rose said softly, putting her hand on Pearls shoulder. Pearl just sighed looking at you as you clung to rose. "Very well then, as long as they behave."

"I promise I will, m'am." You smile at her as Rose giggles and patted your head, then taking your hand. "Come along now." You follow along with rose, a door opening up and the two of you step into a massive pink room, seemed to be full of clouds. "Wow..." You look around as rose chuckles at you. A bed soon appeared in front of you, Rose appearing from behind picking you up and placing you on the bed. "Wow, how did you...?" "I can come up with anything in this room. You should rest, you must be tired." You lay down as rose pulls the covers over you, leaning in to kiss your forehead as you relaxed, closing your eyes as she spoke. "Sleep well, (y/n), I'll be here in the morning."

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