Movie Date

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                        Beast Boy's P.O.V

  I was so excited I couldn't believe it! The new Death Toilet movie was coming out and we all had a great plan to sneak in so we could see the movie. All my friends were going to be there and it would be perfect! I was sitting on the couch thinking about this when Robin came over. "Sorry guys I can't make the movie. Batman is having me do some top secret important stuff." He said "Your house sitting?" Cyborg asked "Yes." He said defeated "I can not do the making of it either." Starfire said "Silkie has done the catching of a cold and I must nurse him back to heath." She told us. I was fine with Robin not coming but now Star! Oh well at least Cyborg would be with me. "Speaking of which I can't make it. Me and Jinx have a date." "What!" I said "Everyone is too busy to come I'm going to be all alone!" I yelled "No," Robin said "Raven will be there." Suddenly I started to feel really sick. Me and Raven alone in a dark room by ourselves for an hour and a half I got butterflies just thinking about it. "No it's fine it's no big deal it's Raven she'll probably read the whole time and never look up once no need to panic." I thought and for some reason I felt sad thinking that she wouldn't even notice. She then walked out of her room. "Is everyone ready to go?" She asked "Nah it's just going to be you and me." I said trying not to clue her in that I was super nervous "Oh okay." She said looking kinda nervous herself. We left out and both made no attempt at conversation. As we got in line we looked around the snuck around the back of the theater. Then we knocked out some employees stole their uniforms and walked in the workers entrance and ditched the costumes. "Wow that was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be." I said We still had sometime before the movie started so she asked "Do you want anything to eat cause I'm staving?" "Yeah I could eat."I replied We got some milk duds and a tub of popcorn and walked into the theater. The theater got dark and my heart started pounding. I was so nervous and could she hear my heart beat. No other people can't hear my heart right? To be honest I barely remember the movie I was so sidetracked. But when I convinced myself it was okay to watch the movie like I came here to do and eat some popcorn we both reached for it at the same time and our hands touched. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry." I said then I jumped up and knocked the popcorn all over her. Ok now I was really prepared to get murdered. But then she started to laugh and I was the prettiest sound in the world. Unfortunately that made the usher hear us and it happened to be one of the guys who's uniforms we stole so he threw us out. As we started the walk home she spoke. "You know that is not the first time I've been thrown out of a movie theater?" She said "Really?" I asked "Yeah a while back I was a theater and this jerk in front of me kept talking on his phone so I banished him to the dimension of forever ringing cell phones and that is against the rules somehow." "What! First off that story is hilarious and why haven't you told it to us and second why is that a dimension?" I questioned "I have no idea but the truth is it would have been more fun if you had been there." She admitted "Well maybe we should hang out more." I suggested she shook her head no "If we are ever going to go out together it will be on a date." "Did you just ask me out?" I questioned "No I told you we would go on a date there's a difference." I smiled and held her hand as we walked along.

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