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                         Beast Boy's P.O.V
It stared up innocently enough. I didn't really have bad intentions at first. But sometimes things change and as time went on so did the plan. But I think it would be easier if I just told you the story. It all started out when we were fighting the H.I.V.E and getting our butts handed to us on a silver platter. And then I slipped and that slip set off a chain reaction. The puddle I slipped in had water that sprayed onto a flower that grew super huge and knocked over a hotdog cart causing it to roll. The rolling made five hotdogs fly out and knock the H.I.V.E out which sounds great. But sadly that hotdog cart fell....right on my leg. "Oh my gosh!" Everyone yelled Raven tied up the H.I.V.E and ran over lifting the cart off. She looked at my leg and winced. "Yeah that's a broken leg if I ever saw one." She commented causing everyone to come look "I shall pull it back into the correct placement!" Starfire said "No. Just No." Cyborg said "Cyborg is right if that leg is half as bad as it looks that will leave a bunch of fragments floating around messing with everything. Um...." Robin said looking around his eyes fell on Raven "Um Raven you nurse him back to heath while the rest of us go do other things!" "What! Why me?" She protested "Because you were the first one I saw." Robin said running away and everyone else was right behind him. That left just me and her standing in the street. "Come on." She said grabbing me up so that she could carry me to the tower. The way she was holding me I got a really good view of her legs and her butt. I looked away before she caught me staring and the rest of me got broken. When we got back to the tower she took me to the med lab and put me in a hospital bed. "I'm going to run a few tests ok?" She told me "Will they hurt?" I asked "Probably. Ok here we  go." She replied and began poking and prodding my leg with a bunch of pointy metal stuff asking if it hurt every once in a while which was responded too by a scream of pain from me because every time she poked it started to hurt more. "Ok you've got your self a broken leg I've never tried to treat one before or any aliment for that matter but by my calculations you should be good in a few weeks until then wear  this." She said putting a cast on my leg. And that night she stayed with me until I fell asleep because I kept complaining that I didn't want her to go. "Man this is awesome," I thought "I get to spend all day in bed people feed me I get to just complain and I get whatever I want and best of all I get to spend all day with Raven!" The next morning I woke up before anyone else and sure enough my theory was right. My leg was completely back to normal. I knew that it was going to happen it was a shapeshifter thing, we all healed incredibly fast. I remember when I had found this out. It was back when I was about eight or so and I kept stacking furniture on the couch and jumping off of it. It was one of the weird things I liked to do anyway I had stacked it almost to the ceiling and jumped and landed right on my arm. I started crying until Rita my adoptive mother (another time another story) had found me and taken me to the hospital. The doctor said I had a broken arm and it was bad so it would take a while to heal. That night I had taken off my cast and the next morning it was completely fine like nothing had even happened to it. My mom took me back the hospital and they said there was no evidence that there had ever even been a break. Smaller things heal a lot faster but I knew that this wouldn't last. "But why can't it?" A voice said "Just pretend. Then you can keep everything the same for a while milk it for all its worth." Yes. What a great idea. So I did for the next couple of weeks it was great. Me and Raven spent every second together she feed me in the morning and in the afternoons we would have these great talks together. And at night she would make me read a book and I would make her play a video game. And sometimes we would play together. I started to feel like she was my girlfriend and that was the best feeling. "But if she really was your girlfriend that would be terrible because you're lying to her." That voice said. It was right. I was lying and that wasn't ok. "Raven I have to tell you something." "What?" She asked I got up and stood on my broken leg "I'm fine." I said pointing to my leg "What! You've been lying this whole time!" She yelled "No not the whole time. On the first day I really was hurt it's just that shape shifters heal faster than most people." "And it just slipped your mind to tell me! How am I supposed to feel now?" She yelled again as she walked out slamming the door "It's for the best." The voice said I didn't listen I ran down the hall and caught up with her "Raven! I'm sorry. I just....I loved spending time with you and I thought if I wasn't hurt then you wouldn't want to anymore." She looked surprised at me "You think that I liked you because I took care of you? No I took care of you because I like you." She told me "But if you ever lie to me again I will hurt you so bad that you won't heal." She sent chills down my spine. And then she kissed me and that sent chills down my spine to but in a different way. Then she walked away and I smiled finally being hurt payed off.

F.Y.I I did not draw the picture above its credited and you should check out more of her artwork it inspired the story.

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