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                               Raven's P.O.V
Just a note this one will be a little bit sadder up until the end. Don't worry I'll still try to keep with the shows style as much as possible

"And now Raven to read the eulogy." The Priest said I stepped up to the casket looking at all the sobbing faces took a deep breath and started. "Here lies the body of a boy who never got to become a man. He was immature and rude and messy as a boy is. But he was also adorable and innocent and wonderfully quirky. He was able to see things in a way no one else could see them. Maybe that's why he loved me." I said teary eyed looking at Beast Boy's casket and continued "But I was afraid of someone who saw me for more than I felt I was so I turned him down. Everyday loving him more and rejecting him and now he's gone and I'll never tell him I love him. And that's my fault. But he was an amazing person despite all his faults and he thought I was. Rest In Peace my love." I whispered and then walked back as words echoed in my head "It's all your fault. It's all your fault. It's all your fault." They repeated  it stung that they were right "No. No! Stop!!" I yelled everyone looked at me and I popped awake dripping with sweat. I breathed heavily. It was a dream just a dream it was all okay now. "No it's not okay. Not yet."I thought getting up I looked at the clock 3:05 am not an appropriate time to talk to someone but I couldn't put it off. I went to go knock on his door and suddenly stopped when I heard sounds from the living room. "Your still up." I questioned when I saw Beast Boy hidden in the covers on the side of the couch "Oh its just you I thought it was the zombie pirates coming to get me." He said relieved "What?" I asked "I kinda had a nightmare." He said "Why are you up." He wondered "Oh I had a nightmare to." I told him he looked like he was thinking about something "Do you wanna stay with me. I don't think either of us want to be alone." He said honestly I felt a smile creep onto my face "Yeah I'd like that."said we sat on the couch snuggled and up together watching movies. I didn't have another nightmare that night maybe it was because I had my dream.

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