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                              Raven's P.O.V
"Great news everyone!" Robin announced
"Here he goes again." I muttered it was true Robin was always making announcements about things that none of us really found great or even interesting but he continued to do it anyway "I have gotten us all invites to the biggest more fancy masquerade party of the year held at Wayne inter-prizes!" He happily squealed "How did you do that?" Starfire asked "I have an in with the owner." He said trying to look cool on front of Star "So Star would you like to accompany me?" Robin asked getting closer to her "Um no thank you." She replied uncomfortably I felt bad for Star but I felt worse for me. If memory serves this had happened before once and I had said no and he had freed Terra and....I got a headache just thinking about it. Even though I had learned my lesson from that experience I still couldn't say yes. I couldn't bring myself sacrifice everything I had worked for destroy every wall I had built, at least not yet. He turned to me "So mama wanna go with me?" He asked "Say no say no say no!" One part of me said "Say yes say yes say yes!" Another yelled I had the urge to yell shut up I'm trying to think as loud as I could "Um I'll think about it." I said going back to my book "Happy now?" I thought I faintly heard him whispering to Cyborg "Dude she didn't say no this time! Or lurch in disgust I'm moving up!" He excitedly told him "That's my man!" Cyborg agreed I went to my room and went to the closet I pushed away all the cloaks and other things away from  the back of the closet to reveal a single purple dress. It had been my mothers. My father had given it to me saying "This is what you will wear the day you help me take over the world sweetie. It's big but you'll grow into it!" He had been so excited and I had never worn this dress. I wondered if it would even fit I quickly slipped into it. "Like a glove." I thought as I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good. Even the part of me refusing to go agreed. I took off the dress and the part of me wanting to go said "Such a shame to let such a nice dress go to waste." She said I folded it and put it away. Then I walked to his door repeatedly thinking "It's just an excuse to wear the dress it's no big deal." As I walked over I cautiously put my hand to the door almost freezing but pulling though. He opened the door "Hey mama sup?" He asked "Um...yes I would like to go with you to the party." I said almost in a whisper "Oh ok cool." He said shutting the door. And even then I could still here his crazy freak out as he screamed how awesome this was and how he would have to find something to wear. The day drew closer and closer and I got more and more nervous. Then the big night finally arrived. I heard Robin sobbing from across the hall as Star announced she had a date. I was having a panic attack and gave myself a pep talk. "You'll be fine you love to dance you look good in this dress and you have a date no need for panic." Yes no need for panic indeed. I put on the dress and applied some make up. I didn't bother with my hair and put on a mask. Now I was ready. I stepped out to the living room where Starfire already was "Friend Raven  you look the  magnificent!" "Thanks Star you look amazing too." The boys stepped out all looking handsome (except for Robin who was in a bathrobe) we all went and had a great time. And we even danced together under the spotlight loving every second of it.

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