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                         Beast Boy's P.O.V
I thought of her a lot. Probably too much but she was just so amazing it was hard not to. I drew a lot. Most of my teammates didn't know it but I really loved to draw things. Especially average things, things that you could see anywhere all day. I loved to draw those things so much because everyday things are often very beautiful but people just see them so much that they don't even notice. But I did have one exception to me rule about drawing average things. I absolutely loved to draw Raven and she definitely wasn't average in anyway. She was an amazing model because every time I drew her I felt like I was drawing someone new. Of all my drawings of her no two were the same. Sometimes she would look hard and rough and other times her features would be soft and rounded. But they all had one thing about them in common, they never could capture the beauty of the real thing. It was because the type of beauty she had ensured that while she was alway beautiful she was always it in different ways. So it was almost impossible to capture her constantly changing alore. But one day I set out to try. Everyone else was gone so it was quite which was good I drew better in silence. She was sitting on the couch reading and I sat next to her looking at her whenever I could and turning away when she went to look at me. I had perfected this art of looking away quickly a long time ago. I loved the way she looked when she read she was always so into what ever she was reading it was hard not to get caught up in the emotions she displayed. I was almost finished when she turned to me to ask a question. "Well are you almost done?"  "What!" I said coughing "That drawing your making of me is it almost done I want to see it." She clarified "You know I'm drawing you?!" I asked "Yeah you draw me all the time but I never get to see them I want to see it this time." "Oh." I said then with a finishing swoop of my pencil I handed it to her. "I..." she said "I know it's not great." I said "I....." she said again "It's okay if you don't like it." I replied "I.....I love it." She told me with a tear in her eye. "It's beautiful I didn't know you could draw so well you need to show it off more." "Well it's hard not to be good when your drawing your favorite model." I said blushing "I'm....your favorite model?" She questioned "Yeah I mean you just so complex and interesting you look different every time and your so beautiful I love it." I told her "You think I'm beautiful?" She said looking into my eyes "Yeah..." I said leaning in we both closed are eyes to kiss and the others walked into the room and she pulled away from me. Oh well I was close back to the drawing board.

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