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                               Raven's P.O.V

               A roll of the dice is all it takes to see the future the hearts it breaks....
I gulped worried "So these will tell my future?" I asked nervously I knew good and well that fortune tellers in the underworld had a bad reputation for gambling using crooked dice and always giving you terrible futures. But here I was entrusting my future too this complete stranger. I should have never come here. I definitely shouldn't have brought my friends here. They were probably dead by now. I really should go check on them but I can't I have a purpose for being here. I take the dice into my hands. "Now dear think of the future you wish too see roll the dice take a journey with me look at the numbers you made your choice don't hate for you can be responsible for your own fate." The old woman always spoke with this creepy inflection like she was just waiting to place a curse on you at all times. Which in regards to the place was entirely possible. I breathed on the dice and whispered on them "Oh magic dice please show me the way for the strange question I must say. For the future I'd like to see is the one of Beast Boy and me." Also do you think it's easy to speak in rhymes cause it's not. Especially if you have magic dice. One mistake and your future will be totally ruined in a second. After I whispered on the dice I held my breath concentrated and threw them. They rolled around for a second and bounced between one and six. I was holding my breath for so long I thought I would turn blue. The dice started tipping towards one and my good future was slipping farther and farther away. And then something happened, Beast Boy randomly busted in the door making so much commotion that the dice quickly tipped to six. "What's up mama? We all kinda made Robin angry by tricking Starfire into flirting with this guy so me and Cyborg are in hiding. What's new with you?" Before I could answer the room filled with a bright white light. And we saw some images. The first one was us rolling down a hill and smiling then reaching the bottom and kissing the next was us clearly a little bit older and him proposing and even though we couldn't hear anything they said i could tell that future me had said yes. Soon more images followed like our wedding us becoming parents and the others fawning over the child and her growing older us raising her and eventually her moving away. And it all ended with us old and wrinkly dying together smiling. "So were you satisfied with your future?" She asked creepily I looked behind me to Beast Boy who seemed to be in some kind of daze or trance and was just drooling staring off into space which probably meant he was still seeing this all play out and said "Yeah I'm satisfied." "Good." She said "Now leave this place! And take your green boy with you!" She ordered I did as she asked removing me and Beast Boy (who was still in a sort trance.) from the premises. I looked over at his face once more, he was smiling.

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