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Ah dance. It was a great and powerful thing with the ability to tell a story and release feelings without saying a single word. I love to dance, but sometimes with dance people can tell what your saying. And sometimes they speak back. "And a five six seven eight." I counted in my head. I was on the verge of completing a dance I had been working on for a while. You see I had dances named after all my friends and they all exhibited the feelings I had for that person. (I.e. Robin's was repetitive and annoying Star's was poppy and up beat etc) but of the routines this one was the hardest to complete. It was the dance for Beast Boy and the reason it took so long was because those feelings are.....complicated. So I was trying to get the moves just right to capture the simplicity yet complexity of the feelings. I was on the last move, my sweatband was on my furry bands were on my wrist and my purple dance leotard was tight. It was time to end this I went into the spin the jump and twist and....the door was swung open causing me to loose my concentration and fall on my face. "What do you want?" I grumbled looking up and guess who it was? No I'm serious take a guess just a random guess. Yeah it was Beast Boy. "Oh sorry. You ok mama?" He asked "Yeah I'm fine." I said dusting myself off "Wait what are you doing in the dance studio?" I questioned "I may have pulled a prank on Robin involving glue, sparkles, cookies, a valentine, a pink dress, and his crush on Starfire and he's a little crazy right now so I'm hiding. What are you doing her?" For a second I thought about lying, then I realized that was stupid so I thought about telling the truth, and then I realized that was stupid to. So I settled for only a part of the story. "I'm down here working on a routine." I admitted "Cool can I see?" He asked "No it's not finished and can you leave I'm trying to make then ending so can you hide somewhere else?" Suddenly the voice of one of Robin's personalities started organizing a search party. "Nope." He answered "Okay fine whatever just be quite." I was doing my best not to turn completely red in the face with embarrassment. I started with the routine again but this time with him watching I got an idea for the ending. I jumped up stuck the landing and kissed him. "Well that's one way to end a routine!" He noted As I smiled "So does this mean your gonna hide me from Robin?" He asked hopefully "Yeah right." I laughed as I heard Robin's foot steps come down the stairs.

That is the first oneshot darlings! Remember requests are not only welcome but celebrated so if you have and idea I will emploi it.

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