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This story is from two pov's ok. I'll be using this for Beast Boy and this for Raven got it? Oh and I'll use this for me ok.

Dear Journal ,                                                            
Hey Journal. It's me again and I want to talk to you about someone. Her name is Raven and yes I know I've talked about her before here but I want to talk about her again ok. I want to talk about what makes her special, the way she shines when she walks into a room the way her darkness surrounds her better than any cloak and how once you get past the call of her mystery you find a beautiful angel that hides so she doesn't draw attention. That's what I want to talk about.

Dear Diary,
I would like to speak with you about a person I have spoken about many times before but can't seem to ever get every thing I want to say out no matter how many times I talk. I want to talk about Beast Boy. He is rude and annoying and stupid and gross and sweet and cute and adorable and romantic. He is somehow the bane of my existence yet also the reason I wake up in the morning he is like an annoying kid next door who is always there bothering you talking on and on flirting but you find your self excited to talk to him every morning but why?

Why does she act the way she does. Getting angry and yet smiling when I talk. I don't ever know what to say to her and though I act like I'm super cool and chill about talking to her I'm constantly terrified that she'll see right through my flirting. Does she know I flirt with her because I'd never have the courage to ask her out on a date or go on a date with her that she didn't propose. Is that normal? Is that how people feel when there in love? Am I in love with her? Who can answer these questions.

I want to talk to him I want him to flirt with me. I spend as much time dreaming about kissing him as I do reading. And lately I find my self smiling and blushing at what ever cute thing he says as much almost as I hit him. It's crazy there is absolutely no way that I could ever date him so why set myself up for disappointment? I mean he's always so charismatic that I can tell if he wanted to ask me out he would've already. I bet he doesn't want to go out with me unless he's shy or being mind controlled. Great now I'm worried about him being mind controlled. Is that love? Do I love him?

And speaking of  Raven what about that jerk Aqualad huh. He is so cocky and stupid and he went out with her. That jerk bag went on a date with my girl before I did! Now I'm even more glad I did what I did to him. I mean she deserves so much better than a guy who only likes her for her looks. I mean a guy who is only allured by the angel and can't love the darkness is not the kind of guy that she needs she needs someone cool and strong and who loves every part of her and would hold her everyday if she was his girl she needs a guy like....me.
              That's enough for today journal
Truly yours, Garfield (Beast Boy)

I mean at least I know I love him a lot more than Terra. We may be on better terms now but I still wouldn't let her anywhere near my man. I mean well he's not my man technically he belongs to no one. But I mean I really like him and care about him and she's just a jerk. She used him and tried to kill all of us twice and me and him specifically three times. I can't stand that she did that to him and broke his heart. She made him think it was his fault and it wasn't. She has him doing anything for her and that's not what he needs he needs a girl who can look past his flaws who would always protect him a girl loves him and cares about him for him not what he can give her. He needs a girl like....me. Done for now Diary

                 Sincerely yours,

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