Snowed In part 2

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                             Raven's P.O.V
I had set up a blanket fort in the living room that we were sitting in playing cards. It was actually having fun to take a break and just talk every once in a while. "Got any 8s?" He asked "Go fish." I told him for the 50th
time in a row. "My turn. Got any queens?" I questioned he angrily sighed and gave me three queens. I lined them up and said "That you for completing my set, I win!" I said for the 100th time in a row. "How are you so good at this game!" He asked "How are you so bad we've played like a hundred games your cheating and I gave you a good hand I really don't know how your failing so hard unless your trying to lose!" I laughed "Yeah I am trying to lose! So um let's play another game ok one where I can't lose. I mean let you win!" He corrected he really was cute stumbling about. "Ok let's play....truth or dare." I suggested I know it was a dirty trick but it was the only way I could find out why he had been so down when he thought we were leaving. "Ok sounds good I'll go first truth or dare?" He said like he had a devious idea "Truth." I told him just to see his reaction his smile fell "Aw man please pick dare!" "Nope truth." I reassured him "Ok fine um.....have you ever played a video game start to finish?" He asked I almost giggled at how easily he could have asked a really deep question but never thought of it. "Yes. Once while you guys were gone I beat "Zombie's Awakening 4" happy now." I asked "I knew it!" He yelled with enthusiasm "Hahaha now my turn. Truth or dare?" I asked trying to hide the evil grin on my face but failing to suppress it. "Um dare?" He said as if it were a question my smile only grew wider "I dare you to tell me the truth, why were so upset about us leaving?" I pressed "What I wasn't upset I was fine." He lied "No you weren't a couple of words and a fake smile may fool everyone else but I know you were upset. Why?" I asked again "You wanna know? Fine everyone else has a place to go back to a home a family but I don't. And I felt upset because I lost one family already and when you were all going off your own way it felt like I was losing another one." He said honestly "Did your....Did your family, d-die?" I asked him he somberly nodded. "Beast Boy I.." "Its okay just drop it." "I just drop it!" He yelled then he had a look of guilt "I'm sorry. For yelling." He said "No it's fine I shouldn't have brought it up." We looked at each other awkwardly for second and then the power went back on. "You know.." I said "Now that the powers back on we could have are own Christmas." I suggested "I'd......I'd like that." He smiled so we did we set up the tree and the lights and everything. And we cooked a Christmas dinner of frozen burritos and pizza. It certainly wasn't the most traditional Christmas dinner but neither were we. As we hung all the decorations we both passed by the door way, where the mistletoe was. We both stood there looking up and the back at each other and blushing for a while until I leaned in and kissed him. For quite a while actually. And when I stopped we were just standing there blushing again. It was awkward but I loved every second about it. The next morning neither of us were expecting presents (Santa doesn't exactly like us.) but right under the tree was one addressed to me and one for him. I knew where his came from I had put it there last night but I had now idea what one for me was doing there. He ripped open his "Awesome!!" He said looking at the video game I had gotten him. It was for his birthday but I could get a new gift for then. "What this?" I asked but one look at his face said it all I opened the box "Oh my gosh ultra rare ButterBean with the discolored wing! How did you get this?" "I have a friend at the toy store who hooked me up." He told me "Huh when I want something from people I just threaten them." "Merry Christmas." He said "Merry Christmas." I replied and then kissed him again "And a happy new year." He exclaimed after the kiss. I smiled being snowed in had never been so fun.

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