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                         Beast Boy's P.O.V
I was super excited we were going to the biggest party of the year! The club that we were going to "Party Central" was where all the biggest stars hung out and we were going! But best of all I was totally gonna get a dance in with Raven tonight. It was going to be awesome and it took all my willpower not to yell out. "Woohoo!!!" At the top of my lungs in the Tcar. So I did "Woohoo!!!" I yelled Robin  covered his ears "Would you stop that's the fifth time in five minutes!" He told me "Yeah it's really getting old." Raven said "I can't mama we're going to the biggest best party ever and we're going to have the best night ever! Woohoo!!!!" I yelled again "How much farther until we reach our destination?" Starfire asked "We're here!" Cyborg said "Uh no we're not all I can see is a line of people." Robin said "Yep this is the end of the line!" He said "What! The building is like ten blocks away!" Raven complained "Well is that my fault? No all I wanted to do was come here and dance but we can't do that now can we!" Cyborg said getting irritated And with that all my plans for the night came to a screeching halt as all my friends all started arguing and I sat there watching until I yelled "Stop!" They all shut up and looked at me "Look I know we're all tired and just want to go to the club but arguing is not going to change anything so let's just get in line and wait before it gets any longer!" I yelled then I got out of the car followed by Raven and the rest of the team. We got in line and started waiting, and waiting and waiting some more. Then we were halfway through the line. "I must leave to use the little Tarmerian's room hold my spot." Star said leaving then Robin left claiming he had to use the bathroom as well then Raven then Cyborg leaving only me to guard our place in line. Then a couple of people moved up behind me. "Oh um those spots are for my friends." I told them "So?" They asked continuing to take the spots "So if you don't give them back' fight you?" I said "Oh yeah right the little green boy will fight us I'm shaking." They laughed "He won't but I will." A voice from behind said and they turned to see Raven "Oh your girlfriend is going to save you!" They giggled She looked away like she was uncomfortable or embarrassed but then quickly turned back "Ok laugh it up." Then she got the look in her eyes the scary look in her eyes "I would run if I were you." I warned but they didn't believe me. Then she went full on tentacled monster and threw them to the back of the line and I'm pretty sure everyone took a step back. "I could have handled them." I said "Yeah sure." She said then the others came running over "Is everyone ok?" Robin questioned "We heard the screams of panic and terror." Starfire added "Just holding are place in line." Raven told them winking at me. Now I was even more psyched to hang out with her. So then we got back to waiting and waiting and waiting some more until finally we reached the front of the line. "Name?" the bouncer asked "We're the Teen Titans!" Robin told him he took a quick glance at his clipboard and said "Not on the list. Next!" And waved us off to the back "We waited for six hours." I whispered "Come on it could be worse." Robin said "Yeah we could have waited for twelve hours!" Cyborg joked "Six hours." I said again a bit louder this time "Who has need of the club any ways!" Starfire said optimistically "Six hours!!!" I finally snapped "Whoa calm down!" Robin said "No! Do you know how long I have been waiting? Not just for this club but for this night? A night like this? How long I've waited to go to a place like this to meet stars to dance with her!" I said pointing at Raven and again she got that embarrassed look on her face "I have been waiting for years! And now it's been ripped away by some bouncer so no I will not stop I will scream and yell and be angry!" I said storming off to the other side of the building and putting my head between my knees to cry. I heard them whispering to decide who would be best to talk to me and I guess they chose Raven cause she was the one to come over. "Hey." Was all she said "What?" I asked lifting my head "I know it's not the best location but do you wanna dance?" She awkwardly asked I look up and smiled "Yes." And so we did we danced I don't know how long some how knowing the music in each other's heads and the moves to go along with it. And I didn't even care about the club.

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