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Beast Boy's P.O.V
I couldn't wait to get to the pool. It had been the hottest summer in years and we were all practically melting. Well all of us except for Cyborg his metal body had Literally melted to the couch. "Why can't we just go to the pool right in our backyard!" Raven had complained "Because it still has a crack in it from the time Cyborg did that super sonic canon ball." Robin explained we all angrily looked at him "Thanks a lot Cy now were all going to burn to death." I yelled "Friends to not do the fighting for I have found the glorious location for swimming!" Starfire happily announced "Yes!!!" We all yelled and we rushed to our rooms to get our stuff to go. "Um I'm still stuck." Cyborg said. So we had to go get a pry to get him off "Once we got there we just relaxed happy to not be dying and then Robin got this look on his face a horrible look on his face. He stared at Star and yelled "Chicken War!!!!" Now his plan made sense "Please what is the war of chickens?" Starfire asked "I'm glad you asked Star! In the game of Chicken War one participant sits on another shoulders and fights another team with the same set up the goal is to stay up right while knocking the other team down. Would you like to play?" He said smiling "Oh it sounds like much fun!" She said lifting Robin on her shoulders "This was not what I meant but I'll take it!" He exclaimed I looked to a sunbathing Raven. "So mama wanna play?" She looked at me from over the rims of her sun glasses "And why would I that?" She questioned "Cause the teams are uneven and I really want to play with you." She smiled at the last part and hopped into the pool and gracefully floated onto my shoulders. "Let's play!" I yelled Cyborg came down to be the referee "We've got quite the match up here today folks it's Raven vs Robin on top and BB vs Star on bottom let's see which team takes it!" He announced a bell went off and the game started. After a lot of circling Raven made one of those black fist things appear behind Robin and knock him off. "Hey you cheat!" Robin said "Yes doing the using of your powers is much unfair." Starfire agreed "I can with just as easily without my powers and I can prove it. Beast Boy get on Star's shoulders we're switching." I did as she said "Looks like it's time for round two folks the teams have been switched and and Raven has vowed no using her powers let's see how this goes!" A bell rand signaling us to begin. I went in to knock her off and......she kissed me on the lips. I was so shocked confused and happy I immediately fell back into the pool. "See told you I could win without my powers." She said I stuck my head over the water "Oh that was some power believe me!" I shouted super happy. We should all go to the pool more often.

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