Snowed In part 1

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Raven's P.O.V
I knew he was very upset. I wasn't quite sure why but he was very upset. It all started when Robin had made an announcement "Titans I will not be here for Christmas this year, Batman has invited me for Christmas. Sorry losers!" He had yelled happily "Oh I too have announcement! I am going to visit Blackfire in prison for Christmas and then go home to see my people!" She stated cheerfully "And I'm powering home to Detroit for Christmas to see my dad! I'm hoping he can get my some upgrades!" He said the rust on his arm creaking. "Well my dad did invite me home for Christmas." I said remembering "Maybe I'll go." We all looked at Beast Boy "I'll just be chilling here you know how I do!" He said excited that seemed to be enough for them as they went back to talking about there holiday plans. But I kept looking at him, is mouth said it was ok and so did his stupid adorable grin. But his eyes told a different story, one of pain and suffering rejection and heartbreak. I couldn't stand to watch him I could tell he was upset. That was three weeks ago and he was still upset. He constantly said he wasn't but he was. It was December 23rd one day before Christmas Eve and we were all scheduled to leave. Except Beast Boy. "I will see you all after Christmas friends!" Starfire said they were all in the elevator waiting for me I could see Beast Boy on the couch in front of us with those eyes that said he would start crying as soon as we were gone. "You ready Raven?" Robin asked holding the door "Um..... I don't think I'm going." I muttered "Really?" Cyborg asked I finally turned them and took my eyes from Beast Boy "Yeah, I mean it's just going to end the same way it always does. With him complaining about me not killing you all and helping him take over the earth. Why even bother." I lied "Oh well ok have the merriest of Christmases!" Starfire said happy as they went down. I sat next to him "So your staying here?" He asked "Yep?" I told him "You don't have to. I know your just doing it cause you feel sorry. You don't have to stay." He explained "I know I want to stay." I told him again "Ok sure but it's probably going to be boring." He said as if he was trying to hide something. Then he turned into a cat and went to sleep right on the couch. It was adorable of course and I had to resist my growing impulse to put him on my lap. I compromised and just petted him. "I really hope he doesn't wake up." I thought at least he was warm speaking of which it was unusually cold in the tower. I slowly got up so as to not disturb his rest and floated over to the circuit box. I was no tech genius but I could tell something was wrong. Mainly the fact that it was frozen shut. I looked at the window and then I could tell why. It was a snow storm and a huge one at that. The snow was already half way up the tower which meant normal houses were probably buried right now. My first
instinct was to call my friends and make sure they had beat the storm. After three brief phone calls I was now assured they were ok. Now all I had to worry about was the two of us freezing to death. I ran over to the couch where he was stretching out from his cat nap...literally. "Stop thinking about how cute he is and focus you've got to prepare!" I thought I walked over "Have you looked out the window yet?" I asked him "No why?" He questioned walking over. "Oh my god!" He said staring at the snow which had gotten higher he looked about ready to have a panic attack so I said "Come on." "Where?" He asked "To find some blankets and ration food. The others don't know how bad the storm is and I'm not going to disturb their trip to tell them so until then we're going to have to do our best to survive. The food is so we don't starve and the blankets are so we don't freeze." I told him "We'll probably have to sleep up here to conserve heat." I muttered to loud "So we have to sleep up here together?" He asked winking "Don't think of it like that." I said walking away to go find some stuff. Although I had said that I couldn't blame him I had thought of it that way too. The problem was I liked it.

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