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Beast Boy's P.O.V
I am the happiest person in the world. And "Why?" You might ask am I the happiest person in the world. Maybe it's because I got a awesome new video game. Or maybe there was a whole sale on frozen burritos at the store. Or maybe just maybe it's because I have the best girlfriend in the whole entire world! Just a week ago me and Raven started dating and ever since then the whole word has seemed brighter people have seemed friendlier and life has seemed awesome probably because it is. So since we are dating now I want to do things that she likes because it would be rude to just do things I liked. So today I burst into her room randomly without reason or explanation and asked her if I could meditate with her. "Why do you want to?" She questioned "Cause you know we're dating now and wanna do stuff that you like." "Ok fine you can try but if you fall asleep I'm kicking you out." She told me but I was reassured. I found out that the random words that you chant is called a mantra and I have one to keep me awake. First I watched her close her eyes. She is so pretty when she meditates she always looks so calm and peaceful like she's in a trance or something and I have to just stop and admire her beauty every once in a while. "Raven is the best girlfriend in the world. Raven is the best girlfriend in the world." I muttered I looked up and saw her blushing "If your going to meditate with me your going to have to pick a different mantra yours is distracting." She told me "But it's true!" I told her smiling "You are the best girlfriend in the world!" "Thank you I want you to know that means a lot. I really want this to work and knowing you think that means a lot so it hurts a lot to say this: Get out." She said kicking me out. Outside her door I asked "Are we still on for the Ghostbusters marathon tonight?" She peeked out "Totally."

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