Half A Heart (A Dark Liam Payne Fanfiction)

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*Kay's POV*


"Mom please, I'm not ready for this!"

"Listen Kay, it's for the best. You need to go out in the world and experience life. You're going to get nowhere sitting in your room all day. The deed is done. You flight leaves in two days. Go pack."

I leave the kitchen with tears brimming on the edge of my eyes. How could my own mother kick me out!? I literally went downstairs to get some grapes, and I'm leaving with no grapes, and a plane ticket to London. One way. Yeah sure, I'm not the most social person. Well that's sort of an understatement. When my name is mentioned, people sort of just say "who's that?" The name Kay Ross just never rings a bell to them. Even though I have known them for years, they haven't known me. I get up to my room and see what I'll be leaving. The thought makes my heart want to come leaping out of my chest at full speed. I take in my surroundings. My bed, dresser, closet, bookcase. Ahh my bookcase. It's my most prized possession. It holds all the things in the world that matter to me. I love immersing myself in the lives of others, getting away from my own. It's not like I have an awful life. Certainly not. I mean, I have my mom, and my books. I have food and a place to sleep. I'm not sad, just closed off. My mother of course, was the complete opposite off me. She had many friends, while I didn't really have any. I had acquaintances, people who actually knew my name, but no one that I could share my deepest secrets with. No person that a girl turns to all the time. I replaced that person with my mind. I got lost in my thoughts, and that's all I needed. Me and my thoughts. I think that's one of the main reasons my mom wants me gone. Not because she has a problem with me, but because she feels I need to be my own person and make friends, have a life. I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. I stayed there until my mother pounded on my door with requests to "get going" and "start packing" I finally gave in to her and grabbed my suitcase. I threw my few outfits into the bag and started to get my sheets and shoes together. I left a few things out to wear for the next couple days, but that's it. I left toiletries and things like that to be packed later. This was going to be a long few days.

*flashback over now on to present day*

Saying good bye to my mother and home had been rough. This was the only place I had ever known, and soon I was going to be halfway across the world. I took a deep breath, handed the lady my ticket and stepped into the corridor leading to the plane door. I took once last glance at the place I call home, then descended down the hallway. It seemed much longer than it actually was. I had brought my carry on with me, including my iPod that I hadn't touched in years, about 7 books, and a pillow. This was gonna be a long flight....... *one extremely uneventful plane ride later* I woke up to a slight shake of my shoulder as the flight attendant attempted to awake me. "Ma'am, we have arrived. Please grab your things and step off the plane." I nodded, slightly embarrassed, and grabbed my things. The bright lights stunned me a little after my 6 hour nap, but I soon adjusted. I maneuvered around the airport and found a line of taxis waiting for passengers on the curb. I stepped into a vacant one, and told the driver, "124 Spaniel Road please. North London." The driver nodded and pulled away from the curb. He made no attempt at conversation, making the ride even more awkward. When we finally arrived, I saw the building my new home was in. My mother had bought me a nice little apartment, in a nice neighborhood. Well, at least I didn't have to worry about sleezy people walking around near my house. I paid the driver, grabbed my bags and walked into the building. I had the keys dangling from my fingers as I rode the elevator up to the fourth floor. As I stepped off, I counted off the room numbers until I got to mine. 443. I nervously unlocked the door and stepped inside. For a moment I was too shocked to say anything. The walls were completely bare, and aside from the couch and tv there was nothing in the living room. I dropped my bags by the door and closed it. I rounded the corner into the kitchen, and it was the same. Blank walls, and essential appliances. I walked past a closet in the hallway and saw that it contained a washer and dryer. Down a little further was the bedroom. It contained a queen size bed, an end table, a tv, and more bare walls. Off of that was the master bathroom. Again, bare walls and bathroom stuff. I walked back down the hallway to the living room. I sat down on the couch near the window. I noticed a small table that I hadn't seem before. On it, was a set of car keys and a note that read, "Dear Kay, I know you may not like this right now but you will. Use this car to go out and have some fun. It is a red Hyundai sonata. It is parked in the back parking lot with the license plate "ZDJH 83" I love you -Mom" I hadn't even thought about a car. I'm glad she did. The first thing I was going to do was go and get groceries. I was really hungry. I definitely wasn't excited to go but I knew I had to. I found my car pretty easily. It really was a nice car. I then remembered I had no idea where I was. Then I noticed a GPS on the dashboard. Wow, for a woman who kicked me out, my mom really thought of everything. I powered it up, and found the nearest grocery store was five minutes away. I drove there in silence. I was still in a little bit of shock. Once I got there, I picked up a few items that I needed and rushed to the checkout. I took my money out of my wallet and payed the cashier. I stuffed my wallet under my arm and rushed to the door. As I was making my way hurriedly back to my car, I bumped into a teenager dressed in black and leather, head to toe. I quickly looked up at him. He had a neutral expression. Not showing any emotion. At first, I was scared, but he just moved around me and didn't seem to care. I ran out the door and put the groceries in the back seat. Then, I drove back to the apartment.

*Liam's POV*

I stepped off my motorcycle and walked across the parking lot into the store. My favorite thing to do on a Saturday, groceries. Not. As I walked through the door, some girl, not looking where she was going, slammed into me. Great, I thought. She quickly recovered and rushed past me. I saw that she dropped her wallet. Am I going to give it back to her? No. I'm sorta a b*tch. I picked it up and looked at her drivers license. "Kay Ross 19 Roder, Michigan." Yeah I'm sure she lives in Michigan. That's why she has her own car here. I reached into the money part and took out a couple 20 dollar bills. As I was about to slip them into my pocket, a piece of paper fluttered out of the compartment and onto the floor. It read, "here's your new address, 124 Spaniel Road, North London. Good luck, I love you. -Mom" I seriously couldn't believe my luck. "Hello there Kay, I'm Liam. I'm going to make your life hell....."

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