Chapter 10

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*Kay's POV*

Liam had texted me again. This time we were meeting at his apartment. I've never been so nervous in my life. Even the other meetings were less nerve-wracking than this one. I was going to his house. No one would be able to hear my screams if I needed help, people wouldn't think twice about me going in there, there were probably always girls in there. As I sat down I began my thought process of what was going to happen at the meeting like it always do. To keep my mind off of it, I decided to text Anabel and see if she was up for some shopping. I don't have uh to wear and I could really use something other than sweatpants and one pair of jeans considering I actually have a reason to go out in public and be seen. Anabel responded almost immediately with a yes! I told her my address just in case she wasn't paying attention while she was here. She told me she would pick me up in half an hour. Now to get ready.

I slipped on my only pair of jeans, luckily they were cute and still fit. I put on a cartoony t-shirt with the word "bam" in yellow and red letters across the front. I put on my black toms then pulled out my straightner. I still had 25 minutes left. I have a become a master at straightening my hair so it only took 10 minutes. That left me with 15 to do my makeup. I pulled on my makeup bag and put on my acne stuff, moisturizer, foundation, concealer, dark circle corrector, bronzer, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and finally my lipstick. I finished just in time.

Anabel rang the doorbell just as I closed the lid of the lipstick. I rushed to the door, grabbing my phone and purse on the way there. She greeted me with a smile and a hug. "You look great!" She commented. I looked at her outfit and instantly felt self conscious. She was wearing a floral high waisted skirt, white crop top, black heels, and her hair was curled to perfection. Not to mention her flawless makeup. "Not as great as you!"I said back. "Honestly, I'm overdressed. I feel dumb right now." She said back. "Nah you look awesome. So where are we going?" I asked. I closed and locked the door and we started walking to her car. Well I thought I'd take you to this little mall downtown, then to Olive Garden for lunch?" "Sounds great" I answered. I didn't have to meet Liam until 8 so it was plenty of time. We drove to the mall and went inside.

"Oooh try this one!" Anabel said shoving at least the seventh dress into my face. I laughed and added it to the overflowing pile of clothes in my arms. "Um can we go to the dressing rooms now? I feel like my arms are about to fall off" she laughs and nods. I have clothes around my neck, hanging from my arms by the hooks, and a stack in my arms so high I could barely see enough to get to the dressing room.

I started with a yellow lace dress with a black belt that I thought was adorable. I went out of the dressing room to find that Anabel hadn't changed yet. I stood there and waited for her. Moments later, she appeared wearing a blue, sparkly, mid thigh length dress. She looked stunning. She spun around and did a model walk. "Whatcha think?" She asked. I giggled at her attempt at modeling and gave it a thumbs up. "I really like that dress, you should get it" Anabel commented on my outfit. "Yeah I think I will" I said. We both tried on dozens of more things and in the end got a bunch of stuff. I left with 4 new dresses, the yellow one, a black sequined one, a pink ruffly one, and a red rouched one. I also got 6 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of heels, and 8 shirts. Anabel got 2 dresses, the blue one we both loved along with another blue one, 2 pairs of heels, and 3 shirts. "I feel like a hoarder!" I complained as we got back into the car to drive home.

Once we got back and dumped our shopping bags on the floor, we had some coffee, and talked about the next time we will hang out. Eventually, Anabel told me she had to leave so she could go pick up Aubree from her parent's house and make her dinner. We hugged goodbye and I was alone again as usual. As I looked at the clock, I saw it was 6:02. I didn't realize how long we had hung out. It felt good to have a friend. I changed into sweatpants and watched reruns of friends on tv before I had to meet Liam.

*Liam's POV*

The perfect plan. I have the perfect plan. I had decided I needed to stop fighting my attraction towards Kay and use it to my advantage. All I had to do was get her to confess things to me. How to do that? Threaten of course. It was 7:48 so Kay will be here any minute now. I made some coffee and waited.

At exactly 7:56 the doorbell rang. I put my mug in the sink and went to open the door. I found Kay standing there in gray hollister sweatpants, a t-shirt with the word "bam" written across the front, and toms. Her hair was straightened and her makeup was done. She looked beautiful. But she also looked terrified. She stood there biting her bottom lip out of nervousness, but it was very seductive. I opened the door wider, implying for her to come in and she did. "Have a seat Kay." I said. She timidly sat down on the leather couch in the living room.

"Nice place isn't it?" She nodded, still doing that damn lip thing. She was killing me softly. "So, I've got some questions for you tonight. Are you willing to answer them?" In a voice barely above a whisper I heard her murmured response of "depends" "well Kay, does this change your mind" I ask pulling out a knife from between the couch cushions. She jerked backwards with fear and nodded vigorously. "Good, so I'll have no problem getting answers out of you?" She shook her head no. I smiled and put the knife back. "I don't think we'll be needing this." A sign of relief showed on her face as I placed into into its place in the drawer.

I sat back down on the couch, ready for answers. There were so many things I wondered about this girl, some that I will never know unless I get close enough. And some I will never know the truth to unless I get close enough. I sat back and asked my first question. "Have you had your first kiss?" She slowly nodded. Dammit. I was hoping the answer was no so it seemed more like torture instead of voluntarily but I guess I'll have to make it work. I covered up my disappointment with a smirk and then asked "virgin?" To this one, I got the answer I wanted. Kay's head moved up and down, indicating that she was in fact a virgin. Boy will that change soon. "When were you hoping to change that?" "Marriage" she said in a barely audible and squeaky voice. I threw my head back in laughter. "Oh so you're one of them" I said. She looked confused for a second then back to terrified. "Have you ever had dirty thoughts Kay? Ever looked at someone and say, I'm gonna fuck them one day?" She shook her head immediately and looked appalled with my question. I smiled. "Well I have. You know who to? I bet you don't. And I bet you're also wondering when your punishment is going to start. Well it starts...... Now"


You all hate me with that cliff hanger I know. But 100 READS OMG WHAT??? YOU ARE THE BEST PEOPLE EVER IN THE WORLD AND IM JUST REALLY SHOCKED. okay so I had to say that. Also, I'm really sorry my chapters are short. I feel bad but I don't really know what else to do. I don't understand how people write those seven page chapters. I'll attempt that one day. Anyway, peace and love to all you beautiful people. This chapter is dedicated to @Annie_Z except I can't technically dedicate to her cause I'm on the app. I wonder if anyone reads these. Umm comment what you think Kay's punishment is? Please vote! I'm trying to reach 30 votes! ~Kat

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