Chapter 22

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The night after the bowling date was actually quite uneventful. We ate some dinner then we went to bed pretty early. If you're wondering, no we did not do the dirty, we just slept. That's it.

The next morning I was feeling like absolute crap and didn't feel like doing anything whatsoever. I woke up quite late and I found that Liam had already gotten up. The time on my phone said 11:23. I missed breakfast but I felt like if I ate anything I would just puke it back up. "Liam!" I attempted to yell, although my voice came out scratchy and quite quiet. Some how though, he heard me and came walking into the room with a concerned look on his face.

"Kay honey, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I feel like absolute shit Li. I have no idea why."

"What hurts?" Liam questions.

"Stomach, head, throat. I feel like if I ate anything I would throw up everywhere."

"Well I definitely won't be giving you any food then." Liam says as he comes to sit on my bed. He places a hand on my hand and pulls back with his eyebrows raised. "Kay you're burning up babe."

"Ughhhh" I groaned. I never get sick, and when I do it's always bad.

"Do you want to go to the doctors?" Liam asks. I furiously shook my head no. I've had plenty of experience with doctors in my lifetime, none of them pleasant. Especially when I was quite young but that doesn't really matter.

"Um okay. Why are doctors such a big deal?" Liam asks.

"I just don't care for them that much okay? I had bad experiences with doctors who didn't know that as doctors you're supposed to keep people alive."

"That seems more than just a slight dislike. Did something happen?"

"Obviously" I snap, not meaning to. "Sorry" I say.

"it's okay. Will you tell me what happened?"

I sigh and think that I have to now that I brought it up. I hate when people obviously have something to say then don't say it. Remember how I said I didn't have a bad life? Well I didn't. Just a traumatic childhood. "Okay so here's the thing. I'm an only child." Liam nodded slowly, not knowing what that had to do with anything. I started talking again. "But, I wasn't always." His eyes widened at that. "My mom had another kid with my dad before me. His name is Jacob. He was and still is my big brother. I always idolized Jacob and when I was 4 he was diagnosed with brain cancer. I really didn't understand why he was never around and my mom never told me anything. As I grew up, his cancer progressed. and he got worse. He lived at home until I was 7, and by then I finally understood what was happening. Through those years, the cancer was taking over his brain and he wasn't functioning or behaving like he used to. I asked my mom about it and she just said it was natural for teenagers to be grumpy. I thought nothing else of it. By the time I was eight Jacob had to be moved into the hospital permanently so the doctors could monitor him 24/7. He was getting worse and worse by the day. Finally, my mom had to talk to me and tell me that he was going to die any day now. At that time, the doctors had given him 3 weeks to live and refused to treat him anymore, claiming that there was no hope and it would've just given my parents more bills to pay. He died before the 3 weeks were up, with my mom and I in the hall because they said we weren't allowed to be in there for his final hour. The last I saw of him was when he was surrounded by doctors shoving needles into his arm before I was pushed into the hall, never to see my brother again."

Liam stared at me with glossy eyes, trying not to cry. "Wow Kay. I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know or I never would've suggested it. I'm so sorry, really I am."

I smiled, my eyes watery as well and responded, "It's fine. I can't blame you for not knowing. I'm just gonna try to go back to sleep okay?"

He nodded and said hesitantly, "Can I join you?"

I granted him permission and scooted over to give him room. I laid on my side and Liam traced circles in my back. I fell asleep peacefully, hoping to sleep this fever away.


Hello readers! Thank you all so much for getting me 1.8K reads! I am sooo grateful.

Here's some news. I'm dating a british boy! Except I live in America so Skype is my best friend. Shout out to @perksofA cuz she's da bae. Thanks again! ~Kat

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