Chapter 5

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*Kay's POV*

When I woke up the next morning I was at peace, until I remembered the events of last night. All the memories came flooding back to me, washing over my brain like a tsunami. I walked into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee to hopefully soothe my shaking hands. As I sat down and began to sip the warm liquid, my phone started buzzing. I picked it up off the counter next to the stove and looked at the cause of the noise. It was a text from an unknown number. Without even reading it, I already knew it was from Liam. I took a deep breath in and unlocked my phone.

From: 555-555-5555


Meet me in the alley behind the tattoo parlor tonight at midnight. Come alone. -Liam

I saved Liam as a contact then started to think of reasons why he wanted me there. Hey Kay, did you ever think he might want to beat you? That's the thought that kept popping up when I tried to imagine an even semi good one. This boy was taking my thoughts in ways I never knew possible. But not good ways. I sat back down to finish my coffee. I pondered over the fact of him getting my number, but honestly I had bigger problems right now. The clock on the wall read 8:43. Might as well go to the mall and kill some time. Kill. That word has so much more meaning than it did before. I threw on some sneakers, a t shirt and black skinny jeans. My hair was thrown up into a messy bun and I kept my wallet on the dresser. I didn't need anymore mysterious guys out to get me. One was more than enough. As I listened to the automated voice give me directions to the mall, my mind was silent for once. No thoughts and ideas captivating every last cell in my brain. Just the words of The Fray playing on the radio.

As I arrived at the mall I parked in front of Macy's and made sure I had my debit card in my pocket. As soon as I walked inside I was bombarded by saleswomen trying to spray me with an array of different perfume and buy the new "Zit-Away" I waved them off as politely as I could and made my way towards the purse section. I needed something other than a clutch as that didn't go well. After modeling several purses in the mirror and getting an odd glance from a group of teenage girls, I decided on a navy blue over the shoulder Coach bag. I payed for it then made my way onto other parts of the mall. As I rounded the corner I saw a man standing next to American Eagle. He was leaning against the wall looking at his phone. Probably on twitter or something like that. But that wasn't just any man. That was my father.

*just letting you know that the next chapter will contain Kay's POV leaving off from this part*

*Liam's POV*

As I clicked send I didn't know if I was making the right decision. I knew the meeting would be risky, but I had to find out more. I had to shake this feeling about her. I thought that by knowing her past and more about her that that would turn me away from her and make her just another victim. But there was a nagging voice in the back of my head that I just couldn't seem to shake telling me that this time was different. She was different. I tried to clear my head as I took a can of soda from the fridge and sat on the couch. What will I say at our meeting tonight? If I just come straight out and ask her the questions, she might get a hint that I care. Even a little bit. I can't have that. But I also can't dance around the situation either. I needed to know the answers and this was the only way. My thoughts started drifting to the other girls I victimized. I cringed as I thought about Vanessa.


"Well well well I've got you cornered now don't I? Good luck getting out of this one. Say bye bye to your precious little life." I brought the knife down on her but just as it was about to touch her skin, a hand grabbed my wrist and jerked me away. The hand turned out to be her boyfriend, Drew.

"Leave Vanessa alone!" He shouted. "I'm calling the cops!" As he reached for his phone I whipped around and stabbed him the the chest. Vanessa started screaming and lunged at me. I whipped around and gave her the same fate as her boyfriend. I left them both in the alleyway and ran back to my apartment without a trace.

*end of flashback*

Why did I cringe? No no no fuck no. This girl was bringing out my soft side and I did not like it one bit. I tried to smile back at that brilliant move I did on that girl, but I couldn't force in onto my face. "FUCK" I screamed at the top of my lungs. There was a banging noise on my door and I heard my neighbor yelling "quiet down in there" I flipped him the bird through the door and went into my room to think. It was going to be a long wait til midnight.......

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