Chapter 2

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*Kay's POV*

I drove into the small back parking lot of my apartment building, proud of myself for not having to use the GPS to get here. I parked the car and grabbed my bag. My phone was falling out of my pocket and I grabbed it just before I hit the ground. I really should have kept my phone in my wallet. These pockets were way too small. I put my phone between my teeth and grabbed the bags from the backseat. As I walked up to my apartment I noticed a small coffee shop next door that I hadn't noticed before. That was pretty cool. I unlocked my door and brought the bags into the kitchen, then put the food away. I was about to grab my wallet off the counter when I realized it wasn't there. I searched the entire apartment for it, even the parts I didn't go in. When I didn't find it there, I looked in the elevator. Not there either. I went out to my car, sure I just accidentally dropped it in there, or put it somewhere where I didn't remember. I looked under all the seats, the glove compartment, the backseat, even the trunk. It wasn't there. I started to panic. I ran inside to find a phone book to call the grocery store. I then realized, I didn't know the name or address of the store. Fuck. I decided it would be better to just go in person anyway. I grabbed my keys from the little rack and my phone from the counter. I guess it's a good thing I didn't put my phone in my wallet. I made the five minute drive to the store, just now realizing that it was called Food World. How original. I jogged inside, careful not to run into another person. I stopped immediately. I must have dropped my wallet when I hit that boy with the black leather. I remember also seeing a bunch of tattoos. I quickly searched for a customer service desk, and finally found one on the opposite side of the store.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The employee who's name tag read Barbara said.

"I'm here looking for my wallet that I lost earlier. Has anyone turned one in recently?"

"Well I just started my shift, but let me check the lost and found box" I nodded and she ducked under the desk. Moments later, she returned with a clear plastic box containing everything from wallets to pacifiers. "Any of these look familiar love?" She asked in her thick British accent.

"No I don't see mine." I said after sifting through phones, wallets, and anything else you could imagine.

"I'm sorry dear, if you'll give me a description of it I can definitely be on the lookout"

"Um, it is a gray coach clutch, with the coach nameplate on the front."

"Okay" Barbara says as she scribbles down what I just said. "What was in it?"

"Um, I believe I had three $20 bills, some change, my drivers license which says my old address, and I think that's it."

"Okay, I will be on the lookout for it and I will show this description to some other employees. Can I have your phone number so I can call you of it turns up?"

I nod and give her my number "***-***-****"

"Alright, I will call you if we see anything, have a good day love" Barbara says

"Thanks" I say managing a small smile. I really needed that money. I guess I'm alright for now. Hopefully I don't get pulled over anytime soon.....

*Liam's POV*

I watch as Kay's car drives out of the parking lot. I don't know how long she will be so I better do this quick. I walk into the lobby and go up to the front desk. "Can you tell me what room Kay Ross is in? I'm her boyfriend, she called me and said to come." The words felt foul on my lips, calling this stranger my girlfriend. Oh well, it's part of the plan.

"Sure" the person said. She quickly typed something on the computer and then said "room 443. It's on the fourth floor, close to the end of the hallway. Turn left when you get off the elevator. Can I ask you why she didn't just tell you herself?"

I quickly thought of a believable lie. "Oh yeah she's really sick. She was having trouble talking so I told her I would figure it out." The lady nodded, and I managed to give her a forced smile. That was a pretty good lie for the spur of the moment. I walked down a short hallway to get to the elevators. I pressed the "up" button then the "4" once I stepped inside. It was a quick ride and I found her room quickly. I tried the doorknob to see if it was locked, and of course, it was. She doesn't seem like the careless type. I took a paperclip out of my pocket, and picked the lock in record time. I opened the door and looked inside. There wasn't much to break which kinda sucks, I guess she just moved in. That would explain the wrong address on the drivers license. I took out a can of spray paint from my jacket and started writing a message on the wall. "Be careful with your stuff next time" Then on another one, "this is only the first" then on another, "watch your back" that would sure scare her. Now that the vandalism was done, I moved on to smashing the few items she had, and dumping her groceries all over the place. Lastly, I wrote Miss Kay a little message.

"Dear Kay,

You should be careful who you give your address to babe. Now I have it, and there's nothing you can do about it. Yup it's me, the boy in black. Remember, you smashed into me at the grocery store? Yeah, well I don't play nice. You are to keep quiet about this, because if you go to the police or anyone else you will die. Meet me in the back parking lot near the tree tomorrow at midnight. If you don't come to me, I'll come to you. Be scared, I've gotten away with more than vandalism before, and I'm not afraid to do it again. Sincerely, The Boy In Black"

Perfect. I set the note on the little end table which I moved into the center of the living room. I quickly grabbed all my stuff and took the stairs out the back way.

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