Chapter 7

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*Kay's POV*

I hesitated slightly then said, "Dad please, come back" I don't know what in my mind made me want to say that. It was some twisted part in the back that rarely ever got its way. It broke through and the words spilled out. My dad turned around to face me. He was hesitant, but I nodded encouragingly. He walked towards me until we were within 5 feet of each other. "May I ask what happened?" I asked my dad. He took a deep breath and began his story. "I suppose we'll start from the last time I was home. Okay. So after the police dragged me into the car, they gave me some water so I could sober up. I was still really drunk and confused. Once we got to the station I was out into a holding cell until they could transfer me to the actual jail. I got asked a bunch of questions that I really didn't want to answer. But, I was forced to so I gave short, yes or no answers even if they made no sense with the question. After a while, they got really annoyed with me. I was transferred to the prison that night. My roommate was this big huge tough guy with lots of tattoos. I mean, yes I was a criminal, but I was certainly not like him. I made a request to switch cells, but the guards disregarded it. I later found out the guy's name was Jim, and that he had a son. He was convicted of murder, and was in there for no less than 40 years (A/N: I'm guessing it's longer for murder and I'm sorry but it needs to be that for the story to make sense) at first he wanted nothing to do with me. But eventually we warmed up to one another and became friends. He showed me how to act tough even if you weren't, and I softened him up a bit to make sure he didn't kill his son or wife when he got out. After a few years of doing the same thing every day, sleep, eat, work, eat, work, eat, sleep repeat, I was set free. I am now on parole. I moved to London so I wouldn't have to face your mother. I know after I was in there I became an embarrassment and a burden to her. I didn't want to interrupt her life or yours." I stayed silent for a while, trying to process the information I just got dumped onto me in a five minute span. He thought he was an embarrassment and a burden. I mean sure, I didn't just blurt out my father was in jail to random people on the street, but I would never call him an embarrassment. And a burden? No. He was my father and he will never be a burden to me. Ever. I then spoke my thoughts. "Dad, you're not an embarrassment. Or a burden. And you never will be. Me and mom always thought about you. We honestly thought you were still in jail. I wish we would've at least been notified." My dad hung his head, a look of shame and sorrow overtaking his face. "I'm so sorry Kay. For everything. I feel like that's all I'm ever going to be able to say to you." He looked up into my eyes for any show of emotion to what he just said. I gave none. "Look dad, you know I love you, I always will. I'm really glad we saw each other again, but I have somewhere to be tonight. Hopefully I'll see you again soon" I wanted to end that awkward encounter very badly. He nodded and I slipped a small folded up square into his hand that contained my phone number. I smiled and walked away. I'm not sure if I wanted it to be used or not.

*Liam's POV*

I sat on the edge of my bed, absorbed in thoughts. There had to be someway to get rid of these damn feelings. I finally decided to pull my shit together and write the next note.

Dear Kay,

Sooooo what do you think will happen next? Any plans, things you're hoping for? Well you can stop planning and hoping. You probably wondered why I asked you a bunch of questions tonight. Let's just say I'm quite good at manipulation and blackmail. But, your life would've been a lot harder if you didn't spill, so you actually made the right decision. Your future looks dim. I'll be in your nightmares.


That was good. I figured out an excuse to ask her all these questions. And it was true, I actually could use these answers against her. I'm not sure how yet, but they are definitely good weapons. The clock read 7:36. 4 hours and 24 minutes. Why was I anticipating this so much? I decided to take a nap so I would look really menacing and didn't yawn when me was trying to scare the shit out of Kay. I laid down and fell asleep within 20 minutes, thoughts of Kay's reaction to the note dancing around in my head.


Sorry Liam's POV was so short I just couldn't think of much for him to say before the meeting. And also sorry about the late update. I'm WICKED busy lately.


Also, I saw that I'm almost at 50 reads! I sound lame because other people get excited about almost 1 million but whatever. Please recommend this and thanks so much for reading! Love you all. ~Kat

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