Chapter 21

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*Kay's POV*

"I fucked my cousin"

What? That did NOT just happen. This is a dream. Somebody pinch me.


"What?" Liam asked. "You told someone to pinch you."

"Oh did I say that out loud?" I said a little embarrassed.

"Yeah" he responded, smiling.

That little funny moment didn't help with the shock we just got. I cannot believe Liam is my cousin. How come I never knew about this?? I'm completely disgusted that I had sex with my cousin, but for some reason I still don't regret it. I feel like I should regret it, but I just don't. It's weird.

"How do you feel about this?" Liam asks, breaking the silence.

"I don't know really. I mean, I'm obviously disgusted that I fucked family, but for some twisted reason I don't regret it." I answer.

"Yeah that's sort of what I feel. I think there should be some sort of regret mixed in with the awkward but there isn't. I feel like I'm thinking the wrong thing by not feeling bad or sorry that that happened."

I'm glad that we were both on the same page with the whole regret thing. That eased a little bit of the awkward.

"So what should we do now?" Liam questioned. "Do we keep having a relationship or do we just drop it altogether? Never thought I would be in this situation I can say that for sure."

I laughed a bit, agreeing with him. "I don't really know. Like, I want to be with you I do," Liam cut me off there.

"I don't want to hear the but. If we both want to stay together that's what we'll do. There has to be someway to make it work."

I sighed and said "okay" We just sat in silence, not really having anything else to talk about.

"I have an idea." Liam said out of nowhere. "Let's go on a date. A real one, that normal couples have."

I chuckled. "Well we sure aren't a normal couple. Not many people go from victim-whatever you called yourself to boyfriend-girlfriend to cousins to boyfriend-girlfriend. I suppose we can try though"

He obviously enjoyed that I agreed seeing the huge smile on his face. He got up and grabbed his clothes, putting them on, then putting his jacket and shoes on. "As much as I enjoy seeing you naked, I'd rather you not get arrested for public nudity."

I looked down, realizing he was right. I still hadn't put any clothes on, and I honestly forgot. I sheepishly grabbed my clothes I had carelessly thrown on the floor the night before and slipped them on. I didn't have a jacket so hopefully it wasn't too cold.

Liam grabbed his keys and we headed out. He seemed to have a destination in mind, but he refused to tell me, claiming that surprises are fun. They aren't. It wasn't a long drive, only about 15 minutes, but it seemed longer because of the suspense of not knowing.

We FINALLY pulled into a parking lot and I said a huge neon sign that said "PINHEAD LANES" I cringed a little. I sucked at bowling.

"Liam, no offense, but I'm shit at bowling. I'm also not a fan of places that call me a pinhead."

He laughed. "For one, I was hoping you were shit at bowling so I could do that cliché movie thing where I guide your arm, and for two, the lanes are pinheads not you." He tapped my nose and got out, rushing over to my side to open the door. "After you ma'lady" Now that was cheesy. We walked inside, not quite looking like a couple. The guy behind the counter asked what sizes we needed and I actually didn't know so I had to swing my foot on top of the counter while he evaluated what size I need. Not the funnest moment. Once we got our shoes and were assigned a lane, we walked over and put them on. Liam had Velcro and I had laces so he put his on a lot faster. He punched in our names while I finished tying my shoes. I was up first.

I grabbed the lightest ball but it was still heavy for me. I'm not a strong person. I lugged the ball to the end of the lane and did what I thought was a bowling stance. I aimed, swung my arm back, and dropped the ball. Smooth Kay, real smooth. I attempted throwing it again after hearing Liam laugh at me. Aim, swing, throw! I threw the ball exactly down the middle! Of the gutter....... I told you I suck at bowling. I turned around and pouted at Liam. "This is harrrrrrddddd" I whined. He smiled and came up to me.

"I'll teach you. Put your fingers in these three holes like this, and wrap your other two around the ball. Put one foot in front of the other and when you release, put your back foot behind your front foot. Look where you want the ball to go and throw!" I threw. Gutterball. Again.

I pouted and walked back to my seat. "I am shit at this. Can we have those gutter shields so it's impossible for me to completely gaol on my first shot?" He laughed. He's been doing that a lot.

"Sure babe anything for you" I smiled and watched him pull the gutter shields out and into place. He grabbed a ball and threw. Strike. Who knew Liam was a professional bowler?

I then stepped up and took my second turn. I did exactly what Liam told me to and hit 3 pins! That was my record. My second ball went straight through the hole of course, but I was still happy I hit some pins.

In the end, Liam whooped my ass with the final score being 43 to 207. We got celebration ice cream anyway. It was delicious and at one point when I got it on my chin Liam licked it off. That was quite awkward.

The whole date thing really took away a lot of shock we had from the previous ordeal. It was really fun and Liam was so precious. If only it was legal to date your cousin. My life would be a hell of a lot simpler....



The cruise was amazing by the way. I swam, with dolphins, paddle boarded, and met a bunch of really cool people. I may have also met a British guy who I'm now madly in love with but will never see again. I sort of wrote the date on how I would want mine to go. I know I have issues. If anyone would like to know the whole story on the British guy feel free to message me. Message me anyway, just for fun. I want to get to know some of you :) have a wonderful life peeps. Btw if anyone was wondering about the whole suicide friend thing it's all resolved :) ~Kat

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