Chapter 12

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*Kay's POV*

Monday. The first day of my torture. I didn't know exactly what Liam was going to do today, but I know eventually it'll lead up to rape.

I am violently shaking from fear as I slip into skinny jeans and a crop top. I got a text from Liam telling me to "dress sexy" so I figured I should probably obey. This was all I really knew in terms of sexy so I hope it was enough.

Liam never gave me a specific time to go over so I figured I should probably ask.

To Liam:

What time should I come over?

I got a reply almost instantly.

From Liam:

Oooh that's sounds so seductive Kay come now ;)

I sighed as I slipped into my light jacket and drove to Liam's house.

Once I got there I rang the doorbell and Liam appeared in front of me shirtless.

"You followed my instructions" he said, eyeing me up and down and biting his bottom lip. As much as I hate to admit it, he has a damn good body. He opened the door wider, signaling for me to come in. I walked in and sat on the couch. The same couch where Liam had forced his lips upon mine. I shuddered at the thought but didn't show any signs of my disgust to Liam. He came over and sat down extremely close to me. I wanted to shake, and I wanted to cry. But I held it all in. Coming off as a weak little girl would make this even harder on me. His hand rested on the bare part of my stomach, exposed by the crop top.

"This will be very easy to take off" Liam growled in a deep voice. He jerked the shirt off of me and I wish sitting there so shocked I couldn't move while he licked his lips and stared at my boobs.

"Now Kay, I'm not going to go all the way today, but I will come close. I sure as hell want to fuck you on this couch right here and right now."

My eyes widened by his words. Although I was relived he wasn't doing it today, I was still terrified of what his definition of "come close" was.

He slipped his hands under butt and squeezed. I pinched my eyes shut. You're not here this isn't happening. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts. Your favorite band member is doing this to you. Stay calm. I opened my eyes once his hands were moved but I regretted it. Now they were reaching for the clasp of my bra. I arched my back to attempt to get out of his reach but to no avail. He found the clasp and undid it like a pro. I definitely did not like that he did it so swiftly, like he's done it thousands of others times before.

My bra was now on the floor along with my shirt. Liam but his hands back under my butt, but this time picking me up and putting me on his lap. He pressed me closer so our chests were touching. He began to rub cirlces on my back. It actually felt good. But it would feel a hell of a lot better with a shirt on.

I felt something bulge under me. Liam looked up and smirked.

"That's for you babe" he said.

I wanted to throw up. Just throw up all over him and run out. But I couldn't. He switched his hands from the back of my body to the front and traced his way up from the top of my jeans to my chest. I couldn't help it now. I started shaking. My stomach was churning and I just wanted it to be over. Apparently Liam was satisfied with my response. He rubbed harder until I was on the verge of tears then finally, FINALLY, let go of me.

I immediately grabbed my bra and shirt and put them back on. Liam laughed.

"That's only I first time I'm gonna see you naked Kay. And that was only the top."

My back was still to him so I winced before turning back around.

"Same time Wednesday" Liam said. I nodded and ran out before he could do anything else.

*Liam's POV*

I fell back onto the couch and laughed. I just did exactly what I wanted to. Well part of it anyway. I had to torture her into sex. Closer and closer every time, but stopping before it happened. I was just waiting for the day when I couldn't control myself. That say would've been today if her pants had come off. That would've been the end for me.

Wednesday. Wednesday I'll go for pants but not underwear. That's gonna take lots of self control. But I can do it. Even though I said I would kill her if she didn't keep her promise, I'm not sure if I could. Then again, don't forget about Vanessa......


Okayyyyy so that was interesting considering I've never written anything like it haha XD if anybody's wondering who Kay is on the cover it's actually me, but a famous person would be Shailene Woodley from Divergent. That was my double update woot woot. Don't forget to vote and comment! ~Kat

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