Chapter 8

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*Kay's POV*

As I slipped into my black yoga pants and teal under armor shirt, my hands were shaking. I didn't know what to expect from this meeting. Liam told me to come alone. Not that I would have anyone to bring but whatever. What does that mean? He doesn't want anyone to know what's happening. It could be a beating. Or rape. I shuddered at that thought. Anything but rape. I'd prefer a beating. I'm going to keep my virginity for as long as I can thank you very much. My bedside clock read 10:26. 1 hour and 34 minutes. I sighed and grabbed my phone off the bed. I walked to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. That was the only way I was going to stay awake for this meeting. Just as I was about to sit down, my phone buzzed on the counter. I got up and this is what I saw.

From Liam:

Refresh your memory. -L

What the hell. What's that supposed to mean? Now I'm even more confused than I was before. I finally sat down and drank my coffee slowly. Or what I thought was slowly. It only took me about 5 minutes to polish off the whole cup.

I put the mug in the sink and went to the couch. I decided to pick a movie to at least start. It was 10:37. I popped in a random movie from all of the ones I own. It started off as this happy couple, completely in love. Then the guys turns into a psycho killer and attempts to kill her in an alley. I shut it off just as the blade was about to touch her. That was enough of that. That sure helped with my anxiety. Not. I glanced at the box and saw the movie was titled "Love Gone Wrong" what an appropriate title.

As I looked at my phone I saw that it was already 11:40. I sighed and got my keys. The tattoo parlor was about 15 minutes from here. During the drive, I listened to some classical music in an attempt to calm my nerves. It didn't help. As I parked the car on the side of the road, I saw him standing in the shadows. I took a deep breath and walked over.

*Liam's POV*

I once again went over the questions in my head. What was the last memory of your father? What did he get arrested for? When? How long was he in there for? What's your mom's part in all of this? What's the one thing you've never told anybody else about this whole thing? That seemed like a good list. The clock read 11:30 so I grabbed my keys and headed for the door.

Once I got to the alley, Kay hadn't arrived yet. After about 5 minutes of waiting I saw her car pull up. I took a deep breath, got rid of any emotion, and but a menacing look on my face.

She approached me timidly. I stepped out from the darkest part and into the lighter part. Kay was still not directly in front of me. Once she was finally close enough I put out my hand for here to shake. She stared at it like it was an explosive, then shook it nervously. The instant we touched I liked the feeling. Her small, soft hand in mine made me feel something, deep, deep inside. But it was soon replaced by hate and disgust. I was so confused about this whole thing, so I decided to get back to the point of this whole meeting, the interrogation. "So Kay, did you get my text?" I asked. She nodded ever so slightly. "You must be pretty confused. Well, I told you to refresh your memory because tonight, you give me information. Information I can use against you. And if you don't, well let's just say you won't wake up in your apartment tomorrow." She nodded again. "Let's start with the questions. First one what was the last memory of your father?" She thought for a moment then said "when I was watching him get arrested. I was supposed to go upstairs but I wanted to see what was happening. He was drunk and angry."

*Kay's POV* (for like two sentences)

"What was the last memory of your father?" I thought for a moment then said "when I was watching him get arrested. I was supposed to be going upstairs but I wanted to see what was happening." I left out the part about our little meetup at the mall. He didn't need that information.

*Liam's POV* (again)

I nodded at her response.

"What did he get arrested for?"

"I think it was armed robbery." She replied. Her voice was getting more confident. "I don't know for sure armed or not, but I know it was a bank."

"When?" I asked.

"When I was 5, soooo 14 years ago." She sort of looked at her shoes at that part. I haven't seen my father in years either, so I know what it feels like. Although me and my father never had a fantastic bond.

"How long was he in there for?" I was surprised she was answering all these questions so easily.

"I honestly have no idea. He could still be locked up for all I know"

"What did your mom have to do with all this?" I inquired.

"Not a lot. She obviously protested against his arrest but it didn't work. She raised me, them kicked me out. She supposedly wanted me to come out of my shell but I don't know if that was the real reason."

"Last question for now, what's one thing that you've never told anyone else about this whole thing?" Apparently she had to think about this one a lot, because it took her a while to answer.

"Umm probably just that that night he got arrested, that memory kept me up at night for about a year straight. I didn't even tell me mom. I was scared she would get mad at me for watching the arrest even when she said no."

I nodded at this answer, and I said "you're free to go" as I handed her the note. I really wonder what she thinks about it. She gets into her car and drives into the night. All I could think about was her responses. They sounded so much like things I would've said. The last memory of my dad was his arrest, and I got replays of it in my head too. Just for longer. I made a decision in that alley that I thought would never even come across my mind, let alone actually be serious and not sarcastic. I was going to visit my father in jail.


Oooooh cliffhanger! Sorta. And this was longer I thinkkkkkk. So this is a somewhat early update. I gave it to you because I will be extremely busy for the next month or so. I am definitely not putting this story on hold, but there might be a week or so between updates. Just saying, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 50 READS!!!! My next goal is 100 so if you shared that would be amazing. Keep reading, being awesome and staying beautiful. Love you all. ~Kat

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