Chapter One-Creepy

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Kelsey's P.O.V.

There's nothing better then the sweet smell of coffee. The best thing is when you get to smell it everyday. That's why I got this job at Starbucks. Even though I work here, I'm not one of those white girls that wear uggs, yoga pants, Victoria's Secret, have blonde hair, blue eyes, and a white iPhone. In fact, I'm the complete opposite. I wear vans, jeans, flannels, have dyed black hair, brown-hazel eyes, and a black iPhone with a Pokémon case.(actually true for me except I have brown hair and I used to have a black iPhone with a Pokémon case but then I got the iPhone 7 for Christmas)

I live a very simple life. I go to work six days a week, and rest at my home on the seventh day. My house is very simple as well, it's a nice two story home with a big porch and deck out in the middle of the woods. There's about one hundred feet of grass surrounding all sides of my house, then the forest surrounds the grass. There is also a thin path that leads from my front porch to the woods and eventually to the main road.

The only people that live there are me and my German Shepherd, Bear.(above) He's big and scary looking, so I thought that name suited him. Don't get me wrong though, Bear is the sweetest animal you could ever meet, at least he is to me.

"See you later, Sarah. My shift is over."

I take off my apron and wave goodbye to my only friend Sarah. I've known her as long as I could remember, she's basically my sister. She was there for my when my parents passed away in a car crash when I was seventeen. So you can see that we've been through a lot.

I walk outside into the icy weather and instantly regret not bringing a jacket. What was I thinking? It's almost December, of course it's going to be cold. Looks like I'm going to have to suck it up for the thirty minute walk home.

About five minutes into the walk, a man about my age comes up to me.

"Hey you look really cold, do you want to borrow my jacket?"

I look up at him and meet hazel eyes. The hazel eyes are attached to an attractive face with long black hair. For some reason he's wearing a black suit with a red tie. He must have just came from something formal.

"No thank you, uh sir. My house isn't too far from here."

I don't want to take a jacket from this random man. Who knows where it has been.

"Please take it, or at least let me walk you home."

Damn this man is creepy.

"No thank you, I'm completely fine. Now I need to get home I have someone waiting for me."

That someone is my dog, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Oh ok, I'm sorry."

A sad look comes onto his face, making me feel a little bad.

"It's fine, but I really have to go. My name is Kelsey by the way."

I give him a small smile and hold out my hand. He returns the smile and shakes my hand.

"Gerard. Gerard Way."

I've never heard of a name like that, I like it.

"Thanks, I get that a lot."

Shoot I said that out loud.

"Oh well better get going, see you around Gerard."

I give him a wave goodbye. As I'm walking away I think I hear him mutter "you'll be seeing a lot of me around" but I think it's just my imagination, because why would he say that?

I walk a few feet then look back to Gerard, but he disappeared. That's weird, he was just there a second ago.


Finally, I arrive at my secluded house. Thank god, I was about to get frostbite. I unlock my door and enter inside my warm home.

"Bear I'm home!"

My big bundle of joy gallops down the stairs and jumps on top of me, knocking me over. My head hits the ground very hard which causes me to get a little dizzy.

"Bear! Seriously! You probably gave me a concussion."

He gets off of me and starts licking my face. I literally cannot stay mad at this dog. I rub his favorite spot right between his ears and his tail starts wagging.

"You know I love you boy. Now c'mon, let me get my jacket and we can go for a walk."

At the word walk he starts jumping all around. I swear if he breaks anything......again. I pull myself up and grab my jacket and Bear's leash from the closet. I clip the leash onto his purple collar which makes him calm down immediately. He knows to behave when I have him on the leash.

I open up the front door and Bear leads me to the woods in the backyard. We travel through the woods for some time, when suddenly I feel like I'm being watched. It's ridiculous though because civilization is many, many miles from here. It's probably just a deer or something like that. Whatever it is, I know my Bear will protect me.

"C'mon boy let's go back home, it's starting to get weird out here."

As we're walking back, I still feel the eyes on me. I look all around me but see nothing, so I make Bear walk faster because of the uneasy feeling. What kind of animal is watching me?

Finally we arrive at my home, and I drag Bear inside as fast as I can and slam the door. I lock every door and window in my house, but I still feel like I'm being watched.

Why the hell am I feeling like this? Was it something I ate? Or maybe I'm just coming down with something that causes unnatural feelings. Whatever it is, I hope it stops soon.

Unknown P.O.V.

She is so beautiful. I want to make her mine. No, I need to make her mine. I'll do anything to be with her. I'll even sink my pointy little teeth into her beautiful neck to make sure that no one else can ever take her from me.

Hey guys! Welcome to my new book! I hope that was a good first chapter, even though it wasn't that long. Make sure you check out my other book(s)! See you next time!

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