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Kelsey's POV

"Oh Gerard. I can't believe how cute they are."

I smile up at my husband, who is looking down at me with much love. It reminds me of our wedding day oh so many years ago.

"They are insanely adorable. Maybe even more adorable than you."

I fake gasp at him, causing us both to laugh. Gerard leans down, and I meet him halfway. Every time we kiss, I still get butterflies.

"Ewy! Mommy and daddy are kissing. Gross!"

We pull away from each other, laughing. Our twin daughters are looking at us from their place on the playground.

"Sawah! Come pwush me on the swing!"

"Okay Bandwit!"

Sarah, named after my late friend, and Bandit go run off to where the swings are. Their adorable little four year old legs carry them as fast as they can to their next play spot.

I lean my head on Gerard's shoulder. He has his arm right halfway laying on the backboard of the park bench we're sitting on. The other half around my shoulder. His left is just on his side.

My arms you ask? Their holding onto a precious bundle of joy, otherwise known as Gerard and I's one year old son, Micheal. Named after Gerard's late brother.

I press my lips to his forehead, which causes him to coo a little. My heart swells.

"How did we create such beautiful children."

Without hesitating, Gerard replies.

"Because their mother is so beautiful."

I somehow blush, it being hard with my pale skin.

"Oh stop you dork."

I look up at Gerard and peck his lips.

"I love you."

I smile, those words make me melt every time.

"I love you too."

Excited screeches make my husband and I look towards the park. Of course they're coming from our children.

"Cherry! Lily!"

Our twins hug their best friends, who are basically their cousins. Soon enough, Frank appears on the bench right next to us. Beside him, is his wife Jamia, who is holding their own one year old son, Miles.

We greet each other, and start talking about random things, like we always do. These last who knows how many years, have been amazing for all of us.

Gerard and Frank are like brothers. Jamia and I are like sisters. She knows somewhat of what happened in the past, but not much. She didn't really want to know. All she knew was that she loved Frank, and Frank knew that she was his actual mate. As for Frank and I, we're best friends. It took time, but we got there. And I couldn't be happier.

I give a pointy toothed smile to Gerard, which he returns with his own sharp canines. Looking into each other's eyes, I can see my future. My never ending future. And I can't wait for it.

Thank you all for reading this book. For a while, I didn't know where I was going to take it. I was lost and bored with it. But then, I knew exactly what I wanted. And now it's here. It's done. It's been written. And it's so strange that I'll never be writing another chapter for this book again (unless I put in that smut chapter someone wanted). I put countless hours into this book, and I'm actually very proud of it.

So again, thank you all for reading it. For reading the adventure of Kelsey, and her time with Gerard and Frank. I really hope you enjoyed this happy ending. When I planned it out, I got so excited for it. For them all to live happily ever after. There's nothing else to say now, except thanks for reading 'Can You Stake My Heart?' I'll see you!

Can You Stake My Heart? (GERARD WAY/FRANK IERO FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now