Chapter Nine-Sassy

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Kelsey's P.O.V.

I wake up when I feel someone kissing my neck. I giggle at it, then the other person laughs, making me freeze. That's not Gerard's laugh.

Suddenly, everything that happened in the past few days comes rushing back into my mind and I jump off the bed. There, laying down on the bed with a smirk, is Frank.

"What the hell Frank!"

He sits up and moves to the edge of the bed.

"What? I can't give my girlfriend affection?"

I shudder.

"I'm not nor will I ever be your girlfriend. I love Gerard. Nothing will ever change that."

Frank's eyes turn to a blood red once again. When he speaks, it's deep and evil.

"You are mine! You were never Gerard's! I sent him to you! It was all me!"

Wait what? What the hell is he talking about.

"No! You're lying! I am Gerard's! There is nothing you can say that will make me not believe that!"

A smirk makes its way onto Frank's face once again.

"What if I told you that I've always been there for you? Remember when your parents died? Someone left a flower on your porch every single morning. You thought it was just the people in town who heard what happened, but no, it was always me."

That was him? Why-no how?

"Gerard met you that day because I needed someone to keep an eye on you. I thought, "why not let my minion do it? Nothing bad will come from that." But I was wrong. That day you first hung out, I made him bring him to the music shop so you could finally officially meet me. Then you fucking said that you were his girlfriend! I had to play it cool, and make it work into my plan, you know, the plan that brought you here. The last few days were a little difficult, but it all worked out in the end."

I collapse down to the ground with tears in my eyes. This cannot be happening. I don't want this to be happening. I just want to be cuddled up with Gerard in my bed and Bear at my feet. Wait..... where is Bear?

"Fr-Frank. W-what did y-you do with B-Bear?"

He speeds over to me, and places me in his lap. I don't even try to get up, I'm too tired from all the crying.

"Sh sh don't worry. I have him in a special place. It's not too far from here. I feed him every day and make sure he's healthy."

I breathe out a sigh of relief. At least one thing in my life is okay right now.

"Would I ever be able to see him?"

Frank kisses the top of my head. It takes everything in me to not react since he is holding me.

"Maybe in a month or so if you behave."

Okay, I have to react to this. I get out of his grip and stand up.

"A month! I need to see him now! He's the only thing from my old life left and you're keeping him away from me! Please let me see him just one more time!"

I yell/beg to Frank, trying my hardest to convince him to let me see Bear. He stands up and grabs my hands, looking into my eyes.

"Fine, I'll take you to him."

I start to celebrate, but he pulls me back.

"But, you have to do one thing first."

I cock my head at him.

"You have to kiss me. Not just kiss me, do it with passion. Convince me that you love me. Once you are able to do that, then I'll take you."

My heart drops. Now I'll never be able to see Bear. Unless I can fake it really well. I can't believe I'm about to do this.

I lean into Frank, and he closes the gap. He kisses my lips hungrily, and I try to kiss him back the same way.

After a few minutes, I slowly pull away. I almost throw up (even more than I already wanted to) when I see his smile.

"That was really good, but not enough. I can still tell you don't love me. You may have to try... other things."

He says the last part seductively and ends it with a wink. He then turns to go to the kitchen, where I let go of the gag I was holding in.

Is he suggesting that I have sex? With him? Gerard is the only one I have ever done it with and will ever do it with... I hope.

"You want scrambled or sunny side up eggs? I can also make a taylor ham, egg, and cheese sandwich if you want."

I walk over to the kitchen table and sit down.

"I'll take the sandwich with scrambled eggs."

"Okay, coming right up!"

I watch Frank make it carefully, making sure he doesn't put anything extra in it because I'm pretty sure he drugged me last night, or whenever that night was. I'm really hungry so I think it was like two nights ago, if it even is morning. I can't tell since there's no fucking windows.

He places the steaming plate in front of me, then sits down in front of me, not having one one his own since all he needs to do is drink blood.

I chew the first bite carefully and thankfully don't taste any strange. I still eat the whole thing slowly though, preparing myself to spit it out once something doesn't taste right. Once I finish, I push my plate towards Frank.

"You finish?"

I roll my eyes.

"No, I wanna eat the plate as well."

Frank sighs and takes my plate to the sink to clean it.

"You know, if you want to get on my good side, it's by being nice, not sassy. You sound like the idiot downstairs."

My mind immediately goes to Gerard, and how much I miss his touch. I need to make Frank believe that I love him, for Gerard. I'll do anything to get the chance to spend the rest of my days with him. Even have sex with another man, if it means I get to get a chance to escape with Gerard.

"I'm so sorry babe, it won't happen again."

Frank looks back at me, surprise written all over his face.

"Did you just call me babe?"

I nod at him with a smile.

"Of course, we are dating, right?"

Frank gulps.

"Y-yeah. We are."

He then starts to smile and walk over to me. He engulfs me in a big hug.

"Thank you for finally realizing that, my beautiful mate."

Shivers run down my spine after he says this, and not the good kind.

Hi there, I wonder how long it's been since I updated this book. It's July now and I think the last time was March so about 4 months? Wow. Sorry bout that. I did say I was going to put this on hold for a lil bit, but that lil bit turned into a long bit. Oh well then, see you next time!

Can You Stake My Heart? (GERARD WAY/FRANK IERO FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now