Chapter Fourteen-Time to Go

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Trigger warning: someone slices themselves and there's blood

Kelsey's POV

I stretch my arms up and fake yawn. Frank looks at me questioningly.

"Are you tired Kels?"

I nod.

"Yeah I guess, can we just cuddle and go to sleep?"

Frank looks around the room, then back to me.

"Yeah I guess."

I change into my pajamas, while Frank peals off his shirt and pants. He thankfully sleeps in his boxers and not completely naked.

We get on the bed, and I lay my cheek and hand on his chest, while his arm is wrapped around my shoulders. This would be a cute, picturesque moment, if you ignore the fact that I'm here against my will and this man is a psychotic vampire.

Frank turns on the television to some movie channel. We both watch it until I pretend to fall asleep. Soon, Frank actually falls asleep. I wait about twenty more minutes just to be sure though.

Once I'm positive he's asleep, I remove myself from Frank's grasp. I tiptoe over to where Frank left his pants and look in all the pockets. In the last pocket, a pair of keys reveal themselves. Perfect.

It's been few weeks since I went to see Gerard. But before I left to go back upstairs, he informed me that I needed to snag the keys that Frank keeps on his being at all times.

Gerard didn't know if the dungeon door was locked, but he knew that I definitely needed it to unlock his chains. I've been waiting to steal them until I knew I would be escaping. And now I'm only a few digs away. It was so tempting to leave right there and then. But I needed to strategize more. But now I know exactly what I'm going to do.

But that can wait until tomorrow. For now, I hide the keys deep in my drawer and crawl back into bed. Frank immediately resumes holding me the same way as before. I hate to admit it, but it's insanely comfortable. I instantly fall into a deep sleep.


"Kelsey, time to wake up baby."

Frank shakes me awake. I groan and pull a pillow over my face. I just want this bed to suck me in forever, it would make everything so much easier.

"I'll make you your favorite. Pancakes!"

Dang, he knows my weak spot. I unbury myself from the pillows and blankets and look up to him. Frank looks down at me with his famous smile, but this time, it's different. Deep in his eyes, I see something. But I can't place what it is.

"Fine, I'm up. You know I can't resist pancakes."

Frank laughs and kisses my cheek. I mentally cringe.

"Go get yourself ready for the day, and I'll make them. They'll be done by the time you're out."

I nod and get out the bed, heading for the bathroom. I do all my brushing (teeth and hair) and put on light makeup. I don't even know why I still do it. It's been two or three months, the only person who sees me is Frank and sometimes Gerard. Force of habit I guess.

Whatever, it doesn't matter. This time tomorrow, I'll be out of here. I leave the bathroom with a smile on my face, but hide it from Frank. It's just a normal day for him.

I'm probably going to do a lot of running through the woods today, so I put on my athletic leggings. Then for my top, I just slide on a T-shirt. An outfit for escaping, but just looks like a normal outfit. Frank won't suspect a thing.

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