Chapter Eight-Sleep

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Kelsey's P.O.V.

"Psst! Kelsey! Wake up!"

I groggily open my eyes to the sound of someone whispering yet yelling at me. My head is pounding, more then yesterday.

My hands are touching a cold, hard ground, which is strange because the last thing I remember is me in my house, screaming I believe. Now when I look around, I see a dim lit dungeon like room, where I can't see who was calling me. I try to whisper yell back to them.

"Hello? Who's there?"

"Kelsey! It's me! Gerard!"

"Oh Gerard! Where are you? I thought he killed you!"

"Nah, he only knocked me out. Also look behind you."

I turn around to see that I was laying against a set of bars, which is dividing me from Gerard who is in his own dungeon like room on the other side.

Looking at his face, I see that it is very disheveled, like he's been beaten.

"Oh my god Gerard! How long have you been down here?"

"Not that long, a few days at most. You've been sleeping for about a day or two though."

I have? Poor Gee, having to sit here all alone. I try to stick out my arm to reach him, but he's way too far.

"Gerard? Can you move closer? I need to feel your touch."

"I'm sorry, I can't. He chained me to the wall with chains that have vervain in them."

I look at him confused.

"What is vervain?"

"Well I'm guessing he told you what I was, right?"

"Yes, and that it was a mistake on my part for not seeing it."

"Don't listen to him, he wants to make you feel weak. But anyways, vervain makes vampires weak. Usually I would have broken out of these chains easily, but the vervain makes me have the same strength as a human."


I don't know what else to say, it's a lot to take in. I'm still trying to get used to the fact that he's a.....vampire.

"Kelsey? Are you still wearing that necklace I gave you for our one month anniversary?"

My hands go to my chest where I feel the dangling necklace.(the one in the photo)

"Yeah, I still have it. Why?"

"No reason, I was just wondering. But keep it on, like ALL the time. Never ever take it off."


Before Gerard has a chance to respond, the door to my dungeon slams open.

"Ohhhh Kelsey! I have a surprise for you!"

I look at Frank with fear as he walks closer to me. Since there's no where to go, I pull my knees up to my chest and hug them tightly.

"W-what do y-you want F-Fr-Frank?"

He grows his sinister smirk and winks at me, which makes me shudder.

"Nothing much, but you will have to come with me."

Frank grabs my arm and brings me to my feet. Then he starts pulling me to the door, but I try to wriggle out of his grasp.

"Gerard! Help me!"

"I'm trying!"

I hear the jingling of chains, letting me know that he's trying to escape. Frank pulls me out of the room, leaving the helpless Gerard all alone.

Can You Stake My Heart? (GERARD WAY/FRANK IERO FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now