Chapter Two-Guitars & Basses

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Kelsey's P.O.V.

The feeling has mostly gone away, now it just feels like something is lurking near. I tried to put on a comedy and curl up with Bear to calm my nerves, which only worked a tiny bit. Perhaps a good night's rest will do me some good.


I wake up early the next day to the sound of my alarm. It's 7:05, fifty five minutes before my shift at Starbucks. I quickly get ready and head downstairs and grab a muffin, my jacket, and my keys, then head to the door.

"Bye Bear! I'll see you in a few hours!"

My big ball of fur gives me a bark goodbye. I then head outside into the chilly air. Thank goodness I remembered my jacket today.

I walk down the path to the main road, not feeling any sensation of being watched. I knew a nice sleep would help. But I wonder what caused it? Surely it was just my imagination since I don't feel it now. Right? Well whatever it was, I'm just glad it's gone.

When I get to five minutes away from Starbucks I hear my name being called. I turn around and see Gerard sitting on a bench in the same place I met him yesterday. I give him a slight smile and wave.

"Hey Gerard. How are you?"

He strolls over to me and we start walking in the direction of my work.

"I'm good, I was just wondering what you are doing out here so early?"

"I have an early shift at work today. It starts five minutes."

"Oh okay, that's cool. After you're done do you want to grab some coffee at Starbucks?"

I laugh at his question, which causes him to have a confused face.

"Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if you don't want to because we just met yesterday, but it's just that you are very beautiful."

Aw, he's so adorable. I take back what I said about him being creepy yesterday.

"No it's not that, it's just that's where I work. My shift ends at 2:30 so come in at that time and we can hang out."

A smile grows on his face, causing mine grow too.

"Good. It's a date. I'll see you then."

A date? He is cute, hot, and adorable so I don't mind actually.

"Okay, a date."


"Kelsey! Why do you keep on checking your watch!"

I look up from checking my watch for the tenth time in the past five minutes.

"I'm sorry but I'm expecting someone any minute now."

"Oooooo, does somebody have a date?"

"That is none of your business, Sarah."

She laughs and I roll my eyes, jokingly of course.

"Well that's a shame, because a really cute guy is about to walk in."

As soon as she finishes saying that, the front bell, that tell us someone has entered the shop, rings.

"Hey Kelsey!"

Can You Stake My Heart? (GERARD WAY/FRANK IERO FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now