Chapter One

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Chapter 1

Katniss POV

I wait in the office of my new school. "Hello Mrs. Everdeen," my principal Mr. Flikerman says.
"Hello," I say in a small voice.
"As you know this is a big school so I am going to assigning you to someone so they can show you around." he says with a warm smile. He pushes a bottom on his intercom and says. "Mr. Mellark please come to the High School Office." In about ten minutes a boy with blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and a well build body bursts thru the door.
"Mr. Flickerman I didn't do anything!"
"I know Mr. Mellark." He says calmly.
"Then why am I here?"
"I would like you to meet Miss Katniss Everdeen,"
"You can't prove that was me it was Cato-wait what did you say?" he asks looking at him, then he notices me and points me. "Who's she?" He says mesmerized.
"Like I said before this is Miss Katniss Everdeen. I would like you to show her around today, you are the only one that has almost all of her classes."
"Oh, okay." he says. I get up and follow Peeta to the door.
"Oh and Mr. Mellark we'll talk about what you and Mr. Breuer did later." He says smiling. We walk out into the hall and then he smiles at me. He must be popular because with that smile you could melt the polar icecaps. "I'm Peeta," he says with his hand out.
"Katniss," I give him a shy small smile. "What hour is it?" I ask.
"Fourth," he says leading me to my locker. I look at the sheet Principal Flickerman gave me. "I have computers." I tell him.
"What is you locker?" he asks me.
"92," he traces the numbers until he finds mine.
"The combination is 9-"
"The lockers here don't need a combo just do this-" he bangs twice at the top and once by the lock. Then the door flies open.
"Cool," I say with little enthusiasm. I close the locker then wipe my sweaty hands on my skinny jeans.
"Lets go to computers," then I follow him down the hall. I walk behind him knowing he might be upset with me, though I don't know why. I was about to say something when the door to a room opens. I look at the boy exiting. "Catnip?" the boy asks.
"Gale, you go to this school?"
"What are you doing here?!" He rushes to me and spins me around in a huge bear hug.
"You two know each other?" Peeta asks us and gives a scowl to Gale. I don't know what rival they have going on but I don't care I'm just happy that I know someone here.
"What are you doing with him?" Gale asks spitting out 'him' like it was poison.
"He's showing me around," I say. I look at Peeta and say. "Give me a second," I take Gale about twenty meters away. "Gale, listen I need to be shown around the school. You can't do it because you're two years older than I am. I also need to make some friends. How about we go fishing after school to celebrate?"
"Will you sit with me at lunch," He asks pouting.
"Of course I will," I say with a smile. I give him a hug and he hugs me back.
"I'll see you later Catnip," he smiles then walks off. When I walk back over to Peeta he's upset and I don't know why.
"What's the matter?" I ask matching his frown.
"Nothing, lets go it almost lunch." we walk into the class and Peeta introduces me to the teacher then the class. Five minutes later the bell rang and we leave for lunch. I stood in line as the Freshmen Girls get their food. I pile my tray with an orange, a Stromboli square, a banana, milk, and some sliced green bell peppers. I look for Gale when someone grabs my arm and starts to pull me along.
"What are you doing?" I ask Peeta.
"If I'm going to show you around you're going to sit with me and my friends at lunch." I see Gale looking for me and say.
"That's sweet but I'm going to sit with Gale."
"Just know that he isn't someone who can help you make friends." he whispers into my ear. He releases me with a scowl and walks away. I look at Gale and smile.
"Hey Catnip, long time no see!" he says. I see six boys sitting with him and they are remotely handsome kind of like Gale. "Guys, this is Katniss. Katniss this is Billy, Nick, Tyler, Antonio, Connor, and Darius."
"How do you know Gale, Katniss." Darius asks me with a friendly smile.
"We were best friends when we were in grade school-"
"-Until I transferred here, you don't look a day older." Gale finishes for me.
"Thanks... I think." I say with a smile.
"So what's your classes?" Gale asks me. All thru lunch I cram in as much time catching up with him and talking to him about what's new and everything. When the lunch bell rings I dump my tray and look for Peeta. He taps my shoulder from behind and I turn and elbow him in the stomach. "Ahh," he says bending over holding his stomach.
"Oh my gosh, Peeta I'm so sorry," I say trying to get him to look at me. "Are you alright?" I ask him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't really expect that." he says with a smile. Then as if realizing he was smiling he drops it and starts to grow a frown. "Time for History." he says. I follow him not knowing why he was mad at me when he said that he was alright. I follow him down the hall in silence. The rest of the day went something like this. He would ignore my gaze, he looked down while we talked or while I looked at him, his cheeks were red when I caught him looking at me and he got meaner and meaner as the day went on. Finally when the last bell rang I found Gale and we headed over to our houses then he directed me to the best fishing spot all around. We stayed there until nine catching fish. We caught 3 bass, 2 catfish, and a silver studded ring. Gale gave me a bass and we each took a catfish and he gave me the ring.

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