Chater Ten

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Chapter 10

Katniss's POV

I walk to P.E. think about Cashmere. I wonder if Peeta and her were serious?

Peeta's POV

I turn back to Cashmere after Katniss leaves. "Why are you dating her?" She asks twirling a lock of her blonde hair. She knew that use to drive me crazy but now I think she looks stupid.

"Because, I like her." I tell her simply. I start down the hall and she follows.

"Your going to break up with her right? I mean since I'm here now." I stop and turn toward her.

"Why would I do that?" I ask her coldly.

"Because I still love you and I know that you still love me." she says.

"Last time I checked you cheated on me with Butch!" I said. She frowned and said.

"I know it was big mistake. It's just we kept getting into fights and he would always comfort me. Then he made me feel worth something, and when you dumped me he turned even nicer now that he could claim me as his. But when you left he started insulting me, yelling at me, forced me to make-out with him, and he was going to force me to have se-" her voice broke at the last part and she didn't finish.

"I'm sorry," I say giving her a hug. I let go and drag her to our sixth hour.

I sit on the couch with Katniss in my house. I have my arm around her shoulder and she's fallen asleep on my chest. I chuckle as she starts to breath thru her nose. There's a knock on my door and I position Katniss on the couch trying to not wake her up and then walk to the door. I open it and Cashmere walks in before I can even say anything. "Look I know that we broke up but I think I still love you!" she shouts.

"It doesn't matter if you still love me, I don't love you!" I tell her. She turns around and before I can react she is kissing me and shoving her hands up my shirt. I try to pull away but she's slammed me into a wall and I holding me down. I hear something like a sniff and shove her away from me. It was Katniss. I push Cashmere away from me with as much force as I can. "If you wanted to go back out with her you should have just told me. Instead of breaking me heart."

"Katniss I-"

"Don't worry I understand, 'its not me it you' I've heard it all before." she runs out of my house leaving me alone with Cashmere. "Finally we're alone." she says coming toward me. I grab her wrist and shove her out the door then slam it into her face. I lock the door and then lock the kitchen door, back door and the basement emergency door.

When I go to lunch I try to talk to Katniss. She didn't sit in our usual spot. She sat alone. I walk up to her and say. "Katniss listen."

"Go away, I knew you would cheat on me."

"This isn't about Cashmere!" I say.

"Yes, it is!" she says.

"Fine, let me settle this!" I tell her. I walk over to my table, grab Casmere by the wrist stand her beside Katniss and climb up onto the table. "Hey!" I say. "Uh, YO!" I scream into the cafeteria. "I have something to say." Everybody turns their attention to me.

"Katniss Everdeen this is Cashmere Waters. Katniss, Cashmere. Cashmere, Katniss." I say introducing them to each other.

"Cashmere is not my secret girlfriend! She just wants to get in my pants! You are my girlfriend Katniss! I haven't so much as looked at another girl since we started dating! I am crazy about you! I would beat up any guy who hits on you, hurts you, or touches you! Let that be a lesson to you dogs!" I yell at the guys in my grade. "If you so much as touch her I will rip-"

"Peeta, babe that's enough. I believe you." She says tugging on my jacket sleeve

"Really?" I ask her getting down from the table.

"Yes," she tells me. I give her a kiss and a hug.

Cashmere storms off screaming at the people in her way.

"I would never hurt you," I say setting my forehead onto hers.

"I would never hurt you." she says kissing my cheek.


What do you think has Cashmere given up or will she return? Alright I need 100 votes now. If you give me 110 votes before Saturday 25th at midnight I will write two chapters with different POV's. Your options for POV's are







To vote for the POV's send me a comment with the name. Have a good day (or night) Love Lauren. : )

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