Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

Katniss's POV

I feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest, burned, sliced and driven over with a dump truck, that an elephant was driving. I just sat on the bench crying.

Finnick's POV

"Peeta what the heck are you doing!" I scream at him.

He pushes Cashmere off of his lap and drags me upstairs. "What the hel-heck was that about?" I scream. I was going to cuss at him but Annie has tried to get me off the habit.

"Look when... Cashmere came back... I realized... that I never... that I never got over her." he says looking at the ground.

"Bull. Your lying, I can tell. Your hesitant and you always look at the ground when your lying. What about Katniss?" I say. "The poor girl has been thru enough and she doesn't need to know that her stupid boyfriend is cheating on her!" I say clenching my fists. She's been thru so much already! He just keeps looking at the ground.

"I'm not dating her anymore I broke it off an hour ago." he says. I comb my fingers thru my hair an slam my fist against the wall.

"What is happening to you, you acted like the nicest guy in our school and now your acting like a d- LIKE CATO!" I scream. I see him flinch when I say Cato. "When you start to act like my old best friend call me. I want nothing more to do with you." I tell him.

"I had no choice," he whispers.

"YOU HAD NO CHOICE? THAT'S BULL$&@*!!" I turn to leave but turn back around to Peeta. "This is for Katniss." I ball up my fist and punch him in the eye. I walk back down stairs and see Cashmere and Annie fighting on the floor. Annie's on top of Cash&$@*%mere and is punching her repeatedly. I grab Annie by the arms and pull her off of Cashmere.

"Let me go, this &$@*# called Katniss a $/+* no one calls Katniss that!" she says screaming partly at me and partly at Cashmere. Peeta comes thundering down the stairs and Annie jumps back on top of Cashmere.

"Peeta help me!" she screams. Peeta leaps toward her but I stop him with a punch in the jaw. He falls to the ground instantly and I jump on top of him. I punch him repeatedly, I punch him in the face, eye, chest, and arms (when he finally gets enough sense to cover up his face with his arms in the form of a cross) until I get all of my anger out. I grab Annie and walk out of the door with her screaming at Cashmere.

"This isn't over you $&@*# I will beat you up when you don't have anyone to protect you! Do you hear me you @&$*% I will get you!" I walk out the door and slam it shut.

Katniss's POV

I stay in bed on Monday with a head cold. My mom knocks on the door and says. "Sweatheart you have some visitors." she opens the door and Finnick, Annie, Clove, Glimmer, Gale and Madge come in.

"How ya feeling hon," Annie says to me. I look at her and notice that she has bruises on her arms.

"Annie what happened?" I ask her pointing to the bruises.

"Well the other day Finnick and I went to Peeta's house and Peeta and Cashmere were making out on the couch. Peeta dragged Finnick upstairs to talk while I was left with Cashmere. I started talking about why Peeta was cheating on you and she said 'Peeta dumped that &$@/* over an hour ago.' I turned to her and started punching her and I kicked her @$& until Finnick came back down and he dragged me off of her. When Peeta came down Finnick punched him because he was going to help Cashmere. I jumped back onto her and beat her up." she says. "I gave her two bruised ribs, a sprained ankle, a black and blue chin and a big black eye." I stare at her with my mouth open. This is Annie we're talking about she wouldn't even eat anything with meat but she can do that much damage? Wow.

"You should see Peeta," Finnick tells me smirking.

"I think I will. Tomorrow. Finnick can you give me a ride? My mom's letting her friend borrow mine for like a month or so."

"Yeah sure, Kitty Kat." he tells me.


What do you think Cashmere will do? What will Katniss do to Cashmere? I need 180 votes. I am also going to say that my friend jhagerty_xo has a book called Summer :/ if you give her 15 votes I will post four chapters and dedicate my next chapters to those people. Have a good day (or night) Love Lauren. : )

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