Chapter Eighteen

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Hey guy's the reason I am writing this chapter is because I have no school today and I didn't have anything else to do. I'm sorry if this chapter is crapy or cheesy in any way. Enjoy. Chapter 18

Katniss's POV

"Hey Kat can I ask you some questions?" Finnick asks me.
"Great, what is your favorite color?"
"What is your favorite flower?"
"Yellow dandelions,"
"Which do you like more a restaurant by the beach or a restaurant in the park?"
"Fancy or romantically casual?"
"Mexican, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, or American food?"
"Mexican-American, kind of like Toco Bell." I say starring ahead of me. I turn to look at Finnick and see him scribbling down some questions.
"Why are you righting that down?"
"Because I am asking each of our friends these questions and then I am going to match your answers with this quiz." he says showing me a brief picture in a magazine.
"I have to go," Finnick says suddenly.
"Uh, okay..."
"Thanks for the answers."
"Yeah, no problem..."
Then he runs off with his back pack flappin up and down on his back.

Peeta's POV

I had just texted Katniss asking her if she would like to go out with me sometime. She said yes of course. What I was worried about is that she would start asking questions and I wouldn't know what to tell her because Finnick is planning the date. I pace in my room waiting for Finnick. When the door bell rang I ran down the stairs and opened the door. "It's about friggin' time!" I scream at him. "Get in here!" I say pulling him thru the door.
"Okay, Peeta I have it all planned out." Finnick says putting stuff on the coffee table. "I have you booked at 'La Señorita' at the beach. You will pick up a bouquet of yellow dandelions, make sure that they are yellow! Make sure you wear that white t-shirt with that black blazer jacket with black pants. Got all that?"
"I think, should I have written it down."
"No need I already did." she says handing me a piece of paper."
"Hey what is the reservation name?"
"Keeta." he tells me. Katniss+Peeta how original.
"So when do I pick her up?" I ask her.
At Seven 'o' clock. Not 7:02 or 7:01, 7:00 straight on the dot! Girls like a guy who is on time. You'll take your Black Mustang-"
"Which one?"
"2013, that's her favorite car of yours-"
"How do you know?"
"I had Annie find out,"

I sit at the mirror fixing my tie. I didn't have it tight but it was hanging loose on my neck. I straightened my blazer jacket, grabbed my keys an headed over to Katniss's house I stood down and counted the seconds. I ringed the door right as the clock turned 7:00. She opened the door with a broad smile. She's wearing an emerald green dress that reaches about two inches over her knees. The body of her dress hugs her curves while the skirt of the dress poofs out with three layers of ruffles under the top layer. She had her hair up in a pony tail with minimal make-up. She looks beautiful. Just the way she is. "Peeta, what's wrong? Should I go change? I'll be right back." she turns to leave but I stop her.
"Wait, Katniss you look, beautiful. You look beautiful like this." I tell her. She turns around and gives me a hug.
"Lets get going," she says. "Before my step-dad comes."
I remove my hand from my back and show her the Yellow Dandelions, she gasps and takes them.
"Their beautiful, Peeta. Thank you!" she says. "It's like you... talked to..."
"To who?" I ask her, her frown instantly disappears and is replaced with a 1000 watt. smile. "I'll be right back," she leaves and puts the flowers in a vase and I offer her my arm. She takes it and I walk her to my car. Her smile gets bigger when I open the car door for her. I get into the drivers seat and drive us to the restaurant. About half way there she gasps and says. "This is my favorite song!"
She starts singing to Jason Deluro's song 'Marry Me'

105 is the number that comes to my head when I think of all the years I want to be with you, wake up every morning with you in my bed that's precisely what I plan to do. And you know one of these days when I get my money right buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life, oh forever being young so there ain't no need to rush but one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough, I'll say 'will you marry me?' I swear that I will me it. I'll say will you marry meee?

I look at how she lights up when ever she sings. When we reach the restaurant they take us to our table. "This is so amazing," she says looking at me.
"So I was thinking that it was time we started getting to know each other inside and out. Because we haven't been on a decent date for a while."
"What do you have in mind." she says setting her hand on mine.
"Why don't we ask each other questions that we don't know." the next hour we sit at the table laughing and having a good time. I take her hand when we're done eating and leave the restaurant. We walk down the beach laughing and having a good time. I stop and pick up a pearl I found in the sand.
"I know that we're going to be separated during the summer so I want you to keep this as a reminder of me." I say putting it in her palm. She smiles and kisses my cheek. I feel the rush of warmth that I haven't felt for a while. We drive back to her house and I stand on her door step.
"I had a great time," she says. "I missed having fun with you." she kisses my cheek and looks into my eyes. I look at her and kiss her lips. It wasn't a heated kiss but it was a simple one that brought butterfly's to my stomach.
"Good night, Katniss." I say to her.
"Good night, Peeta." she smiles as she goes into her house. I laugh and run home.

Hey guy's sorry if this chapter sucks. Let me know what you think of it. Love Lauren. : )

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