Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Katniss's POV

I wait until seven then head over to Peeta's house. I open the door and see everybody running around claiming area's and I can smell pizza cooking. All the lights are turned on so its really bright, the music is cranked up to full blast and I walk to the kitchen looking for Peeta. He's putting chips in a bowl when I walk over to him. I lay a hand on his shoulder and he pulls me closer with his arm around my waist. "Hey babe! Ya made it! Everybody's in the living room, I got ya a sleeping bag in my room it's on the bed." he says giving me a kiss.
"Okay, thank you." I tell him removing my jacket. I walk up the stairs and open Peeta's door, it all hits me in an instant. I have a quick flash of the kiss we had shared. I look around but can't find the sleeping bag. I lay on the ground and look under the bed.
"What are you looking for?" I think it's Peeta but I don't look.
"The sleeping bag you laid out for me-" I look up and am cut off by Cato's close face. He smirks at me and I take a step back. "I thought you were Peeta." I say pulling a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He pins me up against the wall with my back to it. He puts his hand onto the wall inches from my face.
"Ya know I'm better than Peeta, why are you dating him?" He asks leaning in really close. I put my hands in my pockets, what he doesn't see is that I use speed dial to call Peeta.
"Because he's a nice guy," I say.
"I'm better," he says grabbing my chin. He puts his lips onto mine and then slides his arm around my waist he lifts me up and throws me onto the bed his lips still on mine. I can feel tears gliding down my cheeks. In about ten seconds the door is burst open. "Katniss! Cato unhand her!" Peeta shouts with a murderous voice. He breaks away and says.
"Why should I she clearly want me instead of you," I cover my eyes with my hands and cry into them. "Get out of my room and leave my girlfriend alone!" he says in a scary voice. Cato scoffs and walks out of the room with a smirk. I sit on the bed still crying and feel Peeta hug me. I turn to him and cry into his chest.
"H-he k-k-k-kissed m-me!" I say as it muffles in his shirt. He rubs my back and kisses my forehead.
"Did he hurt you?" he asks me.
"No, but I-please don't leave my side again." I say looking at him. "Please stay with me."
"Always," he kisses my cheek lightly then we walk down stairs with his arms around my waist protectively. When he sees Cato he shoots him a scowl and turns to me. "Thirsty?" he asks me.
"Yeah," I squeak. He takes my hand and walks to the kitchen. I sit at one of the stools still shaking. He hands me a bottle of water, I don't touch it still trembling. I just put my hand on the counter. "Hey, he's not going to touch you ever again. I promise you that." he says laying his hand on mine. I nod but look at the ground. He doesn't say anything and just kisses my cheek. Finnick skips in trying to lighten the mood. "Hey Kitty Kat, you look very pretty today. Bar tender I need a water and a coke." he says to Peeta. I smile as Peeta rolls his eyes at the word 'bar tender' then Finnick skips back out. I smile and say. "I love Finnick, I'm going to talk to Annie." He looks at me and I say.
"Don't worry I'll stay close to Finnick," I give him a kiss for reassurance and walk into the living room. I sit by Annie on the couch and make small talk.
"So is this your first girl-boy sleep over?" she asks me.
"Yeah, I mean I've spent the night at Gale's house but not in the same room."
"Don't worry it's going to be great." she says smiling. Yeah, it started off really great with Cato too but look how that turned out. I think.
"Let's get this party started!" Finnick says to everybody. "Okay first thing on the list is Games! Every body grab a partner or date or girlfriend or boyfriend." I see Cato smirking at me but Peeta slides his arm around my waist before anyone can react. The partners are:
Peeta & me
Finnick & Annie
Cato & Clove
Marvel & Glimmer
Thresh & Madge
Finnick explains the game and its kind of like Truth or Dare but you pick Life or Embarrassment and you draw out of the hat labeled with the one you pick. "Annie and I will go first. What do you want Annie?"
"Life," she picks out a piece of paper and reads it out loud. "In real life you have to face things you don't want to; on your next turn you have to pick embarrassment." She reads. "But until then tell everyone who your first boyfriend was and if you kissed." she frown then says. "It was Darius and no we didn't kiss it was in fourth grade." then she passes it on to me. I smile at her and say. "Thanks!" in a sarcastic tone. I pick embarrassment. "Take a chance and kiss your crush." I look on the other side and the front again. "That's it?" I ask.
"I guess," Finnick says.
"Wait she has a boyfriend! She can't kiss him," Glimmer whines.
"Fine, I'll kiss someone else." I get up and look around the room. Cato: no, Thresh: no, Marvel: no, so I guess that leaves one more I walk over to Finnick and kiss his cheek. Then go back over and pass it on to Peeta.
He picks Embarrassment also. "Walk around in nothing but your bathing suit for a whole hour." he says frowning. Clove and Glimmer giggle while I try not to blush. He sighs shaking his head, gets up passes it to Madge then goes to change. I zone out uninterested until Peeta comes back down with his jet blue white pinstriped bathing shorts on. I look at him from his feet to his hair and stare at his broad chest. Wow, I think. He's got a nice tan and has stronger muscles than his shirts let him show. No wonder all the girls talk about going to the pool to check out Peeta. Everyone notices me starring at him except him. "Katniss quite checking out your boyfriend!" Glimmer shouts. I can see Peeta blushing but it's nothing compared to me. I'm blushing enough to power a small town. He walks back over to me and pulls me onto his lap. "Who's turn?" Peeta asks.
"Cato," Madge says. Of course he picks Embarrassment because of his stupid pride.
"Take a chance and kiss one of your friend's girlfriend." I get a sick feeling in my stomach.
"I have to go to the bathroom," I tell Peeta but a little louder for everyone to hear.

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