Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17

Katniss's POV

It's been a month since I told Peeta that I loved him and we couldn't be any closer. Everything had finally been dying down and I was so happy to finally just relax. That was until I got a phone call from the hospital.


I had just got home from school and I had crashed on the couch. I heard the phone go off and I get up to answer it. "Mrs. Everdeen?"

"This is Katniss Everdeen." I say.

"There has been an accident. Your sister, has just been admitted into the hospital."

"What why?" I scream.

"There was a great fire in her school multiple kids have landed here also. Please grab your mother and come down here as quick as you can." then the line goes dead. I stare at the wall frozen.

I got to the hospital and waited until they let me see Prim. When I walked in she had a mask on, several wires on her and several things around her. I pulled up a chair and looked at her. She had black streaks up and down her face. Luckily it was just dirt, and ash. Her arm had two long burns on the side but nothing that major. I was so relieved. I looked at her heart beat machine and then I noticed it was going dead. Tons of bells and whistles went off. All these nurses and Doctors ran into the room they escourted me out and I waited outside her door crying so hard. I wiped my tears and stood up when one of the doctors came out. "Is she gone?" I ask him.

"Of course not Katniss her machine some how unplugged its self for a second. Prim is in a perfectly stable condition. She has burns but the will heal without leaving any scares; but as a result she will be sore for a while. She was very lucky." he says. I tackle him with a hug and he pats my back awkwardly.

~End of Flashback~

Clove's POV

I was marching thru the halls looking for someone special. When I found him by his locker I march over to him. "Gale, we need to talk." he puts some of his books in his locker and they land with a 'thud'.

"What's up Clove?" I have this whole speech planned out but my mouth took over my mind.

"What are we?" I blurt out.

"What do you want us to be?" he asks me confused.

"I want to know if you like me or not?" I say quietly.

Gale's POV

I'm kind of shocked when she wanted to know if I like her.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"I want to know if you like me. I want to know if you like me enough to show me off to your friends, or take me to dances, or walk me to my classes, or kiss me even when I don't look good, or fight for me when someone has offended me. I want to know if you like me enough to do all of those things." she says close to tears. I look at her stunned. I really don't have to think that hard because I've liked her for quite some time now.

"This was a mistake, I have to go." she says. I grab her wrist as she turns away. I situate her so she can look at me. "Clove I like you enough to enough to show you off to my friends, or take you to every dance, or walk you to your classes, or kiss you even when you think that you don't look good but you shine in my eyes all the time, or fight for you when someone has offended you. I want you to know that I like you enough to do all of those things." She starts to smile the tears still in her eyes. "Yes, I like you." I say to her. "Would you like to go on a date with me this Saturday?"

"Yes," she squeals. She hugs me and runs off, probably to find the girls.

"That was some speech," I hear Finnick say.

"Can any of us do some thing with a girl without you finding out?" I ask him.

"Nope," he says smirking.

Annie's POV

I was sitting at a patio table with Glimmer and Katniss when Clove came around the corner and started squealing. "Gale told me he likes me and he asked me out!"

"See now was that do hard to do? I mean its about time you two admitted to yourself that you like each other. I knew that you liked wearing his football jersey." Katniss says laughing.

"You knew I liked him?" Clove asks her.

"Since the day you asked him if you could wear his jersey." Katniss says laughing at Clove and how dumb she is.

Finnick's POV

I find Katniss arguing with Peeta by her locker. "What is your problem?" she screams at him.

"You, you're my problem. I know that you're texting Cato."

"No, he is texting me and I am ignoring him. Why does it bother you so much!"

"How do I know that your not cheating with me?! I mean you told me that you were going to Annie's house and the next hour I see you at Dairy Queen sitting with Cato. Annie no where to be found!"

"I told you! We went to get food and when she was in the bathroom while Cato trapped me at the table!" she screams at him, while getting rude glares from everyone. "I don't know why you care about that, it was over a month ago. Let it go!"

"Why so you can continue to cheat on me?"

"I'm not cheating on you! Ya, know what I hate you!" she screams pulling her hair.

"Maybe we should break up, if you hate me son much!" Peeta yells in her face.

"Maybe!" she screams back. Then she runs off down the hall crying. I run up to Peeta and hold him back.

"Let her cool off, dude." I say holding my hand on his chest.

"I don't know what's happening we use to trust each other but recently we have an argument about how one of us is cheating on the other, just about every week. Maybe I should call it off."

"Dude, when you love something DON'T let it go!"

"I think it goes 'If you love something set it free, and it will come back'. I think."

"Well whoever said that was an idiot! You love Katniss when was the last time took Katniss on a really romantic date, and just asked her questions to get to know her better?" I ask him fixing my backpack on my shoulder.

"I don't know... three weeks since our last date?"

"You need to take her on a date take her to a romantic restaurant and then a romantic movie. How about I plan the date and then I'll text you with all the details?"

"Alright. Thanks Finn."

"No problem."


So all of guys wanted to have Annie, Finnick, Clove and Gale. How do you think the date will go? Hmm? Contest!


If you tell me what you're idea of the perfect date is for them then I might put it in my story and dedicate it to the winner. Just think about it. If I don't get at least 10 comments about the perfect date in two days then I won't update for a whole week!

If I do get 10 comments and I get 260 votes then I might just post two chapters. Have a nice day (or night) Love Lauren. : ) I would also like to give a shout out to 'Panama High' by Itsjustkels. Great book. 5 stars.

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