Chapter 6

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Alice huffs in annoyance. Shayla wanted to try some fancy ass braid. Shayla said it would look 'trendy.' Shayla already had her hair done. She had hers slightly curled to get a wavey look.

"Why does my hair style have to be more complex than yours?" Alice asks in annoyance.

"Because I'm naturally beautiful. So are you but you need more work to get there," Shayla says with a dramatic hair flip.

"I hope you puke out your guts infront of everyone," Alice scoffs.

"I hope I puke on you," Shayla sasses.

Shayla finishes Alice's hair and made sure Alice didnt screw up on makeup.

"Alice what are you doing?!? I told you to do winged eyeliner! Not whatever that is!!"

"Bright red lips Alice."

"Yes you need lip liner. Don't you want to look good for Xander?"

Alice was fed up with Shaylas comments. When it was time to leave Alice stomps ,the best she could in heels, out to the car.

"Oh come on! Lighten up! It's not that bad. It's a party," Shayla says with a smile.

Alice rolls her eyes.

"You've rolled your eyes so many times today. I'm pretty sure your eyes are gonna fall out of your head," Shayla comments.

Alice gives Shayla a glare.

When they get to the party Eric greets them with a warm smile. While Shayla smiles back, Alice greeted Eric with an annoyed glare.

"You look nice Alice," Eric compliments.

"Thanks," Alice mumbles. 

"Hey! What about me?" Shayla pouts.

"You look nice too Shayla," Eric adds.

Shayla does a hair flip and says, "bitch please. I look good all day every day."

"Must you always fish for compliments," Alice groans.

Shayla sighs, "Okay, Alice I know your pissed with me..."

"Pissed is an understatement," Alice points out.

"Okay, I know your furious at me for dragging you to this party. But you need to loosen up. You don't have to drink. I know how you feel about that. But please try to have fun. worrying to much causes stress and too much stress is bad for you," Shayla reasons, "I know you've had dark times. So please make this a light time. Talk to some people and if their being asses just find me and I'll kick their ass." 

Alice lets out a sigh of defeat, "Fine."

Shayla squeals.

"But before you ditch me for this, Levi. At least take me to Eric." Alice informs Shayla.

"I'll do better. I'll take you to Xander," Shayla says with a wink. 

Alice's cheeks turn a nice scarlet. Eric chuckles. Alice just scowls. 

Everyone at the party were dancing and having a good time. Most people were holding red solo cups that Alice was guessing contained alcohol. There wasn't much vomit yet but the night was still young and the party was just starting. There was a lemonade and fruit punch bowl. 

While Shayla got herself a drink Alice eyes the bowls. Shayla offers a drink to Alice. Alice smells the drink. The smell of alcohol hits her and she pushes the cup away.

"No thanks," Alice politely turns down the offer.

Shayla shrugs. Shayla and Alice find a place to sit and mindlessly chat. Eventually Shayla started talking to someone else for a bit. Alice took the time to take in her surroundings. They were currently in the kitchen at the bar. The kitchen table and chairs were moved out of the way so more people could stand there. In the living room furniture was pushed to the walls and out of the way to make room for dancing. They had speakers set up and a dumb disco light. The disco light was probably Eric's little sisters. He borrowed lots from her. Its both weird and funny. 

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