Chapter 16

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Alice woke up to humming. Shayla is laying on her stomach on her sleeping bag. Shayla was texting Levi. Alices quietly peers over at the conversation.

Shayla hums a happy tune as she replies to Levi's text.

"Interesting," Alice says, making Shayla jump.

"Oh my gosh Alice! Don't startle me like that!" Shayla complains.

"I can't. It's what good friends do," Alice replys and sticks out her tounge.

"Ugh whatever," Shayla groans.

Shayla's phone dings. Shayla quickly looks.

"What did he say?" Alice asks with a cheeky grin.

"He says looks cute," Shayla answeres.

"What is he calling cute?" Alice asks.

She smiles and inches closer to Shayla.

"Me..." Shayla mummbles, her face turns red.

Alice pokes Shayla.

"You liiiikkkkkkkeeeeee hiiiiiiimmmmmm," Alice teases.

Shayla glares at Alice.

"So? You like Xander!" She shoots back.

Alice looks away a blush forming on her cheeks.

"That's not important right now," Alice manages to say.

Shayla snorts.

"You don't think that's important right now?"

Alice shakes her head no.

Shayla rolls her eyes at her friend. "Look honestly we need to figure out this shit tonight. Eric vs Xander."

Alice's eyes widen.

"No... Let's not.." she mummbles.

"We should! But we need another reference," Shayla declares.

She grabs Alice's phone and begins to go through her contacts.

"What are you doing?" Alice asks.

"I'm thinking we turn this sleepover into a slumber party," Shayla says with a smirk.

"Shayla no."

"Shayla yes!"

"It's like midnight!"

"It more around one in the morning."

"We might get in trouble!"

"My parents won't care."


"No buts. We are doing this."

Shayla scrolls through Alices contacts and comes across Phoebe's.

"Who is Phoebe?" Shayla asks.

"My freshmen friend." Alice answers.

Shayla picks a couple people to invite, including Phoebe. Alice holds her breath while Shayla sends the texts.

"Oh come on Alice. What's the worst that can happen?" Shayla asks.

Alice shakes her head in disbelief. "Everything" is her answer.

"You know what I am concerned about?" Alice asks Shayla.

"No." Shayla deadpans.

"The fact you text Levi so early." Alice scolds.

Shayla just shrugs her shoulders.


Eric and Dakota sneak through some bushes. Dakotas back pocket buzzes, signaling people wanted her attention.

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