Winter's Journal

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Hey guys!!
So this is a way to keep track of all of the journal entries!
I will update this Everytime you guys read a new entry!
Hopefully your enjoying my book!

Day 1

    Day one with the journal. He said it would help. I want to believe him. But nothing helps anymore. Even things that had meaning have been fading.  It's been all hopeless. It's all worthless. I'm worthless. This is all stupid. Writing this all makes it worse.


Day 2

   He says that I should exchange this journal with him. He says he can help. Anyway he will be reading this so hi. I guess you want to know more about me. But honestly do you want to know?

Day 3

   Are we doing this now? Honestly you sound like some apocalypse surviver. It's cringey AF but I guess not my decision. And yes I want to know more about you. I'm sorta the reason your alive now. So have some graditude. Although I figured you wouldn't really care about my opinion. Most people don't. But I promise this should help. It sorta helped me.
                                                  -Unknown Soldier

Day 4

   Yes we are doing this day 4 thing you ass hole. Why should I even trust you? You just saved my life. I should have died. But no you had to be there. And you gave me this stupid ass journal. You didn't even tell me much. I mean I wanted to you in a moment of weaknesses and you decided, hey take this journal and here's my address and my mail box stuff. P.S. I find you very annoying and I don't even know you.

Day 5

   No one deserves to die. Your going to live. And this stupid ass journal is sad that your not giving it a chance. You keep insulting it. Just give it a chance. And if it helps I'm trust worthy cause honestly I need this as much as you do.

                                                              -Unknown Solider

Day 6

   Fine, I'll give it a chance. I guess I'll start with the root of the problem. My father died. And I took it hard. I was much closer to my father than my mother. My younger sister, Alice always was with my mother. So was my brother. So there was no room for me when my father died. I was left alone.


Day 7

   I'm so sorry for your loss. I guess I should say what's 'wrong' with me. At a young age I was never good at school. It was a lost cause for me. It came to a point where I didn't care. I didn't want to learn. My parents moved me to home schooling. While they did that they also forced my brother to be home schooled. My brother was much better than me. My parents always praised him and hated on me. I eventually began to shut out my brother. I didn't want to be with people who were so much better than me. And eventually I left.

                                                                  - Unknown Solider

Day 8

   Well you definitely don't care that I'm a stranger. You just went face first into the trust circle. I'm so sorry for your past. And um, where did you go?


Day 9

   That's for later. Your lucky I straight up told you what happened to me. I am not much of a teller.

                                                             -Unknown Solider

Day 10

    I can tell Mr. Mystery person. P.S. your nickname is very tacky.


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