Chapter 15

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"We have to have a sleepover!" Shayla squeals.

It was the next day. The four friends were sitting together at lunch. Alice was munching away at her sandwich. Eric was writing but eavesdropping on everyones conversations. Levi was also at their table today. Xander and him were talking about classes.

Alice groans. "I don't really want to...."

Eric frowns. He did not spend 2 hours last night trying to get Shayla to promise him that she would have a sleepover with Alice. To have Alice straight up reject Shayla's invite.

"I think you should," Eric comments, "it can be a good stress reliever."

Alice sighs. She didn't really want to go. She wanted to stay home and read. Maybe even investigate her sisters room more. But she could tell that Eric and Shayla wanted her to 'de stress." Like she was stressed. Please, she might be mentally dying and wants to die in Oblivion but she was not stressed. They could think whatever they want.

"I guess I could sleepover...." Alice mummbles out.

Shayla grins. She couldn't wait to play kiss marry kill. Alice could basically read Shayla's mind.

"If you mention marriage once I will skin you alive," Alice threatens.

Shayla just laughs. She was used to Alice's empty threats.


Eric stalks the house. He looks for an opening.

"What are you doing?"

Eric jumps and turns around. Dakota is looking at Eric curiously.

Eric glares at her.

"What are you doing here?" Eric asks back.

Dakota rolls her eyes.

"I followed you. I mean I did see you climb out your window all dressed in black pretty late. It looked pretty sketchy." Dakota explains.

"Why were you watching me in the first place?!" Eric asks frustrated.

"Why are you here?" Dakota asks back.

Eric groans, "look. Something is up with Alice. I'm trying to figure out what."

"So your breaking into her house?"

"No, I'm going to go look at her sketch book. That is IN her house."

"So your stealing?"

"I am not stealing I am being a good friend."

"By going through her stuff."

"Would you shut up and LEAVE?!" Eric asks.

Dakota just grins, "Uh no. What I will do is help you break in if you let me snoop with you."

"I am not snooping!" Eric exclaims.

The two siblings walk more around the house and find Alice window open.

"Sorry I meant stealing." Dakota fake apologizes.

Eric just mummbles in anoyence.

"How are we supposed to get up there?" Dakota asks.

Eric eyes a tree next to the house.

"Uhh... your getting the creepy smile​ when you have a terrible idea," Dakota comments.

"We are gonna climb." Eric says.

Dakota eyes the tree. Then looks back at Eric.

"We are gonna climb a tree?" Dakota asks not amused.

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