Chapter 5

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Xander has kept the nickname Kitten for Alice all week. Shayla would constantly tease Alice on it. Alice just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. Xander was such a different person. Some of the time hes this quiet, understanding person. Some of the time hes very energetic and happy. Some of the time he's mischievous.

It was currently Saturday. Alice was currently laying on her bed, reading a book. Her blonde hair was nicely brushed. Her face held pure interest in her book. She was in a basic night gown. It was light pink and said, 'Try me.' She wore gray leggings under the night gown.

There was a tap at the door. Alice sighed and got up. She opened the door. There stood Shayla with a shit eating grin.

"What do you want?" Alice asks.

"Well first, what are you doing in your pajamas? And second, we need to go to the mall ASAP," Shayla says, pushing Alice aside and walking into her room.

Alice crossed her arms, "I'm relaxing. It's a Saturday. How did you get in?"

Shayla plops herself on Alice's bed and says, "your brother let me in," with a shrug.

Alice rolls her eyes.

"And we are going shopping why?"

Shayla smirks.

"Tomorrow there's a party."

Alice raises an eyebrow.

"A party?"

"Yup!! It's tomorrow!!"

"You know how I feel about party's...."

"Oh come on, it's gonna be a blast!"

"You know I don't drink."

"So don't drink. Just party."

"What about Grace?"

Shaylas eyes fill with amusement.

"She wasn't invited."

"We were INVITED?!?!?"


"Who's hosting it?"

"Eric and Xander. A lot of people are coming! Including the hot new guy!"

"I thought Xander was the new hot guy."


"What? I.... Um....."

"OMG!! You soooooo like him. But no. There's more than one new guy. The new guy I'm talking about is Levi. He's so hot! And just adorable!"

"So you like this guy?"

"Yeah, and we have to go shopping and go to the party. Plus you have to go with me! It would look weird if I went by myself!"

"No way. I don't party."

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeee. Xander will be there"

"No shit Sherlock. He's hosting the damn party."

"You have to go!!"

"No I don't."

"Don't make me black mail you!"

"Why must it always come to that?"

"Cause your a stubborn bitch who refuses to live life and tell her best friend everything!"

"You sound like a crazy stalker."

"Would you shut the fuck up and go to the mall with me?"

Alice glares at Shayla. Alice knew she had no choice.

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