Chapter 10

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Eric sat on Alice's house front steps.

Eric had came over to talk to her to see if she was okay. She wasn't there. Neither was her bother.

Eric anxiously bit on his finger nails. It was a bad habit that he had and he hated it. Eric was worried about Alice. When she wasn't hope Eric instantly thought of the worst. What if she had successfully killed herself? It would be all Eric's fault, cause he couldn't help her.

Sky pulled into the driveway and parked the car. He walked to the door and stopped. Sky looked at Alice's friend. He confused to see Eric.

"What are you doing here? It's not that I hate you man, but Alice isn't here," Sky asks.

"I wanted to talk to Alice," Eric admitted.

Sky walks around Eric and unlocks the front door. Eric stood up and brushed the dust off his pants.

"She's at a after school club right now," Sky tells Eric.

"Really a club? She's never done one of those." Eric says more to himself than to Sky.

"Yeah. It's good she's slowly moving to a normal life. I get worried about her," Sky tells Eric and opens the door.

Sky gestures Eric in. Eric enters the house and Sky follows. Eric entered the same foyer he had many times before. It was a light tan with dark wooden floors. There was a metal coat hooks on the wall and brown shoe rug. A window next to the door had the curtains open and let natural light pour into the room. There's a old worn out wooden bench under the coat hooks. Next to the bench is a old vintage vase with two umbrellas in it.

Alice told Eric that the vase was supposed to be displayed and shown its great beauty. Her mother had bought it to spruce up the house. Her dad on the other hand thought it looked to artificial and predictable. Alice's dad wanted her mother to get rid of the vase. Alice's mother refused to get rid of it so her dad turned it into a umbrella holder.

Eric walked in a just sat in the kitchen. While he waited for Alice. Sky went into the kitchen and started making a snack.

"I'm picking her up later. So your gonna have to wait," Sky tells Eric.

Eric shrugs, "okay, I'm fine with that. Shayla said she was gonna come over around five."

Sky eyed Eric suspiciously.

"Is there a reason both of you planned on coming over?"

Eric laughs, "well I'm pretty sure Shayla main objective is to annoy the shit out of Alice, but I'm here to hang with her."

"Shayla normally likes to annoy the shit out of me as well," Sky grumbled.

"Well that is Shayla. She's annoying as hell and never leaves you alone. She's just that peppy."

"Yeah that's true."

The two guys chat until Sky leaves to pick up Alice. Eric patiently waits for them. Alice burst through the door when she got home.

"ERIC!" She yelled.

Eric quickly got up and went to her. Alice hugged him. She wore a tired smile. Eric could tell she had something on her mind. Alice pulled away. Eric and Alice went to her room. They kept the door open because that was Sky's rule.

Alice always thought it was a stupid rule. Eric on the other hand respected it.

"I met this amazing person today," she beamed as she flopped down on her bed.

Eric sat down on the bed like he has many other times.

"Really?" Eric asked.

He hoped it wasn't a guy. The last thing he needed was more competition.

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